
hey i picked up a clone from my friend he said it was trainwreck he has it in a bout an inch of soil for a month and a half as soon as i got it i transplanted it was looking really brown so i cut all the bad leaves off it and topped it for space reasons and my question was how long should i wait to put in my h.p.s bulb 400 watt im using m.h but i wanna know when should i switch bulbs and how long will it take to start seeing it flower from the stage its in until it flowers how long ??2013 grow.jpg


Active Member
hey i picked up a clone from my friend he said it was trainwreck he has it in a bout an inch of soil for a month and a half as soon as i got it i transplanted it was looking really brown so i cut all the bad leaves off it and topped it for space reasons and my question was how long should i wait to put in my h.p.s bulb 400 watt im using m.h but i wanna know when should i switch bulbs and how long will it take to start seeing it flower from the stage its in until it flowers how long ??View attachment 2564788
First off, if you want more than 1 main cola, you need to top once or twice more and let the 2 side ones go. Secondly, flowering is only dependent upon the light period (amount of time the light is on). If you want to start the flowering process, turn (any of) your lights to 12/12 (12 hours light, 12 hours pitch black).

You can veg and flower with either HPS or MH. Most tend to flower with HPS because of the light freq output of HPS bulbs, whereas the light output spectrum of MH is more suited for vegging. Research 6500k vs 2500k bulbs.

Lastly, if it is only in an inch of soil, you need to get more soil in there so you can get a root system going.
im gonna post pics up today it got alot bushier and i did transplant it i just switched my light bulb from m.h to hps 400watt so how long until i should start seeing it pre flower


If you don't really care about yield and you are just doing this to learn and see what happens and when then switch it to 12\12 (light\dark) and take notes on a calendar...

If you do care about yield then you need to put the MH back on it and let it go on 18\6 for at least a few more weeks and just keep reading on here and other grow sites any time you get a chance..