


I need to know the ins and outs of growing ect.. when to feed them with the first hit of nutes ect.....


Go down to Home Depot go buy a 5$ bottle of osomocote 14-14-14 and irder hi-brix molasses from amazon Nd your good. Just water with molasses every water


Well-Known Member
Devote the next week to reading this site, develop an initial plan, and then ask some specific questions and/or advice.


Well-Known Member
Read what the winners type. winners= People with pictures of past crops that produced what you like.
No picture=it didn't happen
experiment= try different things write it in a log book.
Don't ask me I have no pictures.Peace


Active Member
Growindad is right read as much as you can, read the stickys. The more you are prepared the better your grow will be.


Chill and read up on the site and buy some books for when you can't be on here ahah. I am a new member but I research everyday these guys/gals aren't going to just lay it out for you got to earn your stripes ahah.
Read read read read read. You have so much further to go before you can ask anyone questions man. You need to decide a lot of things right off the bat. What's your budget, what can you do with your budget, how many plants are you able to house, what strains are you looking for, which methods are going be best for you, what lights are you going to go for, how safe is it to grow in your area and how far will you have to go to protect yourself. I spend any where from 3-8 hours reading every single day, you'll need to double that for The first two weeks if you want anything to go correctly for you. Start with where you want to grow, then move to understanding lights. Once you have that, look at what plants you're interested in, and how to maximize that strain for your needs. And know that you will lose a lot of money before you ever make any, so if that's what you're after just stick to buying it.


Well-Known Member
Buy organic dirt and dont feed for twenty days then start with small doses, you should have read enough by then. Just for gods sake please dont over water them and stunt them :):):)