

Well-Known Member
I just took an early cut of my plant .... Dried it a few days and today I took a look inside and it's mostly seeds!! Is my plants fucked???
I've just taken more off and there's more .... Some of the sacks have white stuff in and some of them are clearly brown seeds. Is my harvest screwed???


Well-Known Member
The thing is. . You'd never know looking at them - they look like normal buds and it seems the bottoms have seeds in the buds! I'm gutted. 3 months work!!
This explains lack of smell and a few of the plants seemed to gave stopped budding - guess the energy went into seeds.


Active Member
Other plants have seeds? if not then you could separate seeding plant from the others, but this far along it probably not going `to affect the others much, I have had a plant hermie at week 5 of a 8 week cycle and fertilize others in room (or from neighbours having a male) but the seeds turned out premature, pretty much unnoticeable.

If you finish cylce out then youll get free seeds :-) and once you take all seeds out the bud still good for hash
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Well-Known Member
Do you know what a male plant looks like? If you don't have a male then you have a hermaphrodite. Usually stress causes this but poor genetics can also. a light leak would be the first thing to check. when the lights go out, go in your grow room and look around for light coming in. I have a few other tricks if thats not the case just hit me up in a few.


Well-Known Member
The thing is. . You'd never know looking at them - they look like normal buds and it seems the bottoms have seeds in the buds! I'm gutted. 3 months work!!
This explains lack of smell and a few of the plants seemed to gave stopped budding - guess the energy went into seeds.
Yup when your plants start making seeds all the energy goes into the seeds. you might as well wait the two weeks for them to mature so you can grow them.


Active Member
Yup when your plants start making seeds all the energy goes into the seeds. you might as well wait the two weeks for them to mature so you can grow them.
Right on, Would seem silly to waste the rest of the time killing them.
on a side note, ive never had a hermie due to light interuption, infact ther is always some light in the room through my air intakes and my exhaust, i always thought of it as there moonlight lol, .
Maybe its not enough to affect them or because its a constant but i can work my way around room comfortably using that light.
Ive had hermie plants but was from royal queen seeds - power flower seeds, never had any with other strains.