
New Member
So I've never grown a cannabis plant before in fact I've never grown any plant before, but I'm tired of spending money on a bag of weed and want to grow it on my own so I bought a seed of the Northern Lights strain from rhino seeds ( is it definite for that 1 seed to grow? Or what extra precautions can I take for the seed to definitely sprout?

Also would it be a good idea to grow it in my bedroom? My parents wouldn't condone me growing marijuana so are there any tips to do it without getting caught? THanks.


Well-Known Member
germination rates with high quality seeds is around 80%. i find that soaking seeds in water for 24 hours then placing then between a wet paper towel for 1to 4 days until a 1/4 to 3/8 inch tap root shows before transferring them to soil gives me the highest germination rate


Staff member
How old are you ?
It's your parents home they pay the bills you don't if they don't want you to grow don't respect your parents
Move out and grow under your own

Don't grow and subject your parents to any illegal activities
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New Member
germination rates with high quality seeds is around 80%. i find that soaking seeds in water for 24 hours then placing then between a wet paper towel for 1to 4 days until a 1/4 to 3/8 inch tap root shows before transferring them to soil gives me the highest germination rate
Thanks for that bro


New Member
How old are you ?
It's your parents home they pay the bills you don't if they don't want you to grow don't respect your parents
Move out and grow under your own

Don't grow and subject your parents to any illegal activities
I'm 18 i'm gonna be 19 in September and you can LEGALLY grow upto 9 plants my friend does it he told me he grows like 5 i'm only planning to grow 1 for personal use but I said my parents won't condone because they're against the use of marijuana but i don't see what's wrong with it


New Member
I would say you have 0% chance of growing a plant in your bedroom. Put that seed in a cool dark place until you turn 18 and move out of your parents house.
I'm 18 my parents are gonna buy me a 3bedroom house in a couple years that my grandma lives in since my grandad passed away my dad will give his 2 brothers their share and the house would be mine but thats too long of a wait


New Member
"you can LEGALLY grow upto 9 plants my friend does it he told me he grows like 5 "

So why don't you go help your friend and grow it there?
I would but he doesn't live right next door to me he lives pretty far from me which would be sorta inconvenient for me + I wanna do it myself, I know about the paper towel technique and everything but I'm just kinda nervous if i plant the seed too late and it might stick to the paper towel and fuck it up and i'm trying to figure out if there are discreet ways of doing it


Well-Known Member
You don't respect them
It's their house

Typical child
Totally agree with Sunni on this one man, your 18, your parents are giving you a home in 3 years, you are too privileged to be bothered to go across town to grow at a friend's house even though he has some experience(at least more than you as of now) and plant cap room. I feel like you don't even understand how douchey that makes you sound. You can't honestly say you respect your parents but plan on doing this anyways simply because you don't agree with their reasons, it doesn't matter what their reasons are it's their house, they don't even need reasons, respect means they say no you don't do it, you know, just because they raised you and shit and you're thankful for it


Well-Known Member
Luckily for your parents, I don't think you are in any danger of growing anything past the seedling stage. Wrong attitude


Well-Known Member
If you do get caught growing in their house. I hope they pull all handouts from you. Let you grow up and work for all you may aquire. Probably won't be much if you can't respect and abide by the rules of the hands who have raised you. Parents probably dont realize a what a disrespectful unappreciative little asshole they raised


Well-Known Member
O'boy here we go again. Please stay in school, don't go against your parents wishes you spoiled ass little brat. It might be legal, but not legal in your parents house. Stop mooching off your parents, move out then grow all you want.

My kind better understand my.rules of the house, or its time to leave. Period, end of the fucking story.