

Well-Known Member
Not Sure but it looks like your a bit Wet, Did you damage the roots Transplanting her ? I don't see any perlite in the soil and i see some in that other container, they need to Breath too.
But IMO it really looks like she's a bit to wet. lift the pot and how heavy is it ? they can't get any thing they need with to much water.
Did you PH her ?
what's the RH ?
Water ?
IMO again I might let her dry out a bit for a few days see if she perks back up, Sometimes if I got my soil to wet and have a issue with PH or something else and the soils to moist I will Mist her just to give her a drink. The theory is that your roots are not up-taking any nutes so I give them a bit of a mist right before the lights go out, I try not and mist under lights, I mean you can with leds but i fear the burn still.

This is all my opinion without knowing what you have going on, stick with her she should come back.

Good luck
Not Sure but it looks like your a bit Wet, Did you damage the roots Transplanting her ? I don't see any perlite in the soil and i see some in that other container, they need to Breath too.
But IMO it really looks like she's a bit to wet. lift the pot and how heavy is it ? they can't get any thing they need with to much water.
Did you PH her ?
what's the RH ?
Water ?
IMO again I might let her dry out a bit for a few days see if she perks back up, Sometimes if I got my soil to wet and have a issue with PH or something else and the soils to moist I will Mist her just to give her a drink. The theory is that your roots are not up-taking any nutes so I give them a bit of a mist right before the lights go out, I try not and mist under lights, I mean you can with leds but i fear the burn still.

This is all my opinion without knowing what you have going on, stick with her she should come back.

Good luck
So this hooked leaf stuff is spreading...and last I PH'd her was the last time I watered her so that would've been on 08/24 and the run off ph'd at 6.3....also last time I went ahead and added a half dose of nutes. Because my first thought was that this was a nutrient deficiency of some kind, as the issues didn't start until I transplanted her into her final container but in living soil. Which I was told I wouldn't have to add nutes ever with I wrong here? As you can see its spreading...


Shit man I got that wrong, the last time I watered her would've been 08/27. And I used half gallon of water that was ph'd to 6.34. And then today I watered her with the same everything.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure now did you check for mites ? everything looks good with temps, PH maybe a bit hi but that should be fine, But those leaves on top are curling really bad. Check for bugs. and if not we will have to ask for someone who may have had that issue before. Right now, with all that has me mystified, You said the only thing you changed was the soil. That has me a bit concerned for what might have been in it.

IMHO it looks like a burn from to much nutes. There are some good people out here that can probably tell you what is is just by seeing them.
I certainly don't want to send you in the wrong direction.
Good Luck sorry internet problems here so i haven't been able to get online.... :)


Well-Known Member
Really looks more like a mite problem than a nute/pH problem.

Let me guess, clone from an outdoor grower friend?
Okay so you guys were right! I even found a leaf that looked like it had been eaten away! Shoot, so what solutions have you guys found for this issue? The cheaper the solution the better...


Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever used this stuff?

Yes I have and it was the only thing that got rid of my mite issue and they never came back, Just make sure you don't stay in the room for more than 4hours at a time. but they will kill every bug in the room, I would put mine in the room for about a week and wait for about one more week and put it back for a week.
When you take it out put it in a gallon zip lock baggie.
I tried neem and a shit ton of stuff they always came back. Hot shots and 2 years later and not one bug problem..
Yes I have and it was the only thing that got rid of my mite issue and they never came back, Just make sure you don't stay in the room for more than 4hours at a time. but they will kill every bug in the room, I would put mine in the room for about a week and wait for about one more week and put it back for a week.
When you take it out put it in a gallon zip lock baggie.
I tried neem and a shit ton of stuff they always came back. Hot shots and 2 years later and not one bug problem..
Oh my goodness you have no idea how good it is to head that! I have been struggling with my first plant (which granted I had no idea that what I was dealing with was a bug issue!!), for close to 3 months now...(Long story short, I had a big bud plant that I now know at least, was a bug problem...ended up monster cropping her before saying screw it and did an entire defoliation) but yeah so needless to say I'm pretty damn relieved as the hot shot is what I went ahead and bought yesterday so fingers crossed!! I'll keep you guys posted!


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness you have no idea how good it is to head that! I have been struggling with my first plant (which granted I had no idea that what I was dealing with was a bug issue!!), for close to 3 months now...(Long story short, I had a big bud plant that I now know at least, was a bug problem...ended up monster cropping her before saying screw it and did an entire defoliation) but yeah so needless to say I'm pretty damn relieved as the hot shot is what I went ahead and bought yesterday so fingers crossed!! I'll keep you guys posted!

Some people will disagree that those are okay but i was sick of trying everything under the sun to try and rid myself of those nasty things, The Hotshot worked really well they were gone fast.
keep me posted for sure.
Just heed the warning on back about staying in the room for to long with those. I put mine right under the plant that had the most mites and by the end of the second day they were all dead on that plant the ones away a bit further took a few days but it killed ever single mite and after the two treatments over 3 weeks I've never had any problems now and it's been almost 3 years since.
if you don't want problems don't let anyone in your room or take plants from anyone with keeping them in a place where you can watch them for a few weeks. (quarantine)
Some people will disagree that those are okay but i was sick of trying everything under the sun to try and rid myself of those nasty things, The Hotshot worked really well they were gone fast.
keep me posted for sure.
Just heed the warning on back about staying in the room for to long with those. I put mine right under the plant that had the most mites and by the end of the second day they were all dead on that plant the ones away a bit further took a few days but it killed ever single mite and after the two treatments over 3 weeks I've never had any problems now and it's been almost 3 years since.
if you don't want problems don't let anyone in your room or take plants from anyone with keeping them in a place where you can watch them for a few weeks. (quarantine)
UPDATE: I went ahead and supercropped the 4 main stalks (hence why you'll see the scotch tape) but now I'm having some issues with leave this a nutrient deficiency or what's causing the discoloration??



Well-Known Member
I would use a bit of 20-20-20 Jacks or Peters all purpose, but not full strength start at about a 1/4 and if you see improvement you will know your on the right track. I know they don't need a bunch in flower but it can improve the growth..

Good luck they are looking good all in all. Keep me posted, I know I don't get out here every day because I am out cutting and splitting wood for the winter. I will try and get back sooner. :)
I would use a bit of 20-20-20 Jacks or Peters all purpose, but not full strength start at about a 1/4 and if you see improvement you will know your on the right track. I know they don't need a bunch in flower but it can improve the growth..

Good luck they are looking good all in all. Keep me posted, I know I don't get out here every day because I am out cutting and splitting wood for the winter. I will try and get back sooner. :)
Question for you! I'm considering adding a trellis net to my grow you think that would be in any way beneficial?



Well-Known Member
Question for you! I'm considering adding a trellis net to my grow you think that would be in any way beneficial?
Only if they are to tall and lanky, But you could use to also to let them have some support if you're SC and they made need some, It sure can't hurt.

You can never have to much Support, LOL Wow they are looking really nice, Keep on the Great Work !! :)