helppp me flower!


New Member
Hey guys, I'm a newbeeeee here.. so I've had my plant for about two months, i know i planted it earlier than i was suppose to.... but its too late now. anyways, I've heard that you can trick your plant into flowering by placing it pure darkness for 3 days.... so i decided to try it. i took my plant out of darkness today and i would say it looks pretty good... but i don't know what to do from here... I'm growing now that i initially tricked my baby, will she continue on the flower cycle or will she just go back to reveg since the sun light is not at 12/12 yet?
thanks guys. comments are greatly appreciated! IMG_1823.JPGIMG_1820.JPG IMG_1820.JPG IMG_1821.JPG


Well-Known Member
It needs 12/12 to flower. You are just fucking with it at this point. Let it veg, it is tiny. However, it is gonna monster crop at this point from the look of it.


New Member
hey, yeah thanks. its a nice looking plant...i randomly got a clone and decided to actually grow it and its looking pretty nice... i guess i will just of 12/12 as best i can outdoors.. haha I'm so impatient, i wanna see the budddddd!


Well-Known Member
Ya, it looks like it's been reverting back and forth a few times... Not good, this can cause it to Hermy. Just let it be, right now its veggin, just let it do so and bud will come when the season is right. Otherwise, move it indoor and put it 12/12.


New Member
@ÉsÇ420PoT™ yeah, i think she in confused.... which i deff my fault.. like i said i planted her earlier than i was suppose 2. then i was reading on another forum that you can trick your plants, so i tried it haha,, i put her in darkness for a few days, and this is what she looked like the day i took her out of the darkness....but yeah, I'm just going to leave her alone now before i fuck it all up :fire: