

Active Member
I'm struggling to understand what hemp is... is it just the male plant? It has all the characteristics of one and it is part of the same species yet people act like there are two types of seeds?

Is a hemp seed a non feminized marijana seed?

Lets say i have some hemp seeds. Given the right growing environment could i expect if I grew say... 10 seeds, at least one of them would show the characteristics of a female plant?

If the answer to all these questions is yes, has swim ever tried to grow some seeds found in birdseed or at organic food stores?


Well-Known Member
Hemp was grown for a long time for rope among other uses. During WWII many farmers in the midwest produced hemp for the war effort. Hemp seeds are common.

Hemp is a strain of cannabis, no psychoactive quality. Has male & female thus all the hemp seeds.


Active Member
reps for you. thanks.
If hemp is cannabis that is grown for fiber but is still a strain of cannabis
could swim breed it over time to produce lots of buds?

If the answer to that question is yes, how might someone do this?
Some ideas: Harvest early so the stalk doesn't have time to grow, use an absurd amount of light and water so the plant has the energy to produce buds and keep the light close to the plant, maybe even on the sides instead of above to influence the plant not to grow vertically and waste energy on the stalk.

has anyone ever been desperate enough to try breeding hemp into a new amazing strain of bud?


Well-Known Member
reps for you. thanks.
If hemp is cannabis that is grown for fiber but is still a strain of cannabis
could swim breed it over time to produce lots of buds?

If the answer to that question is yes, how might someone do this?
Some ideas: Harvest early so the stalk doesn't have time to grow, use an absurd amount of light and water so the plant has the energy to produce buds and keep the light close to the plant, maybe even on the sides instead of above to influence the plant not to grow vertically and waste energy on the stalk.

has anyone ever been desperate enough to try breeding hemp into a new amazing strain of bud?

This question is pretty ridiculous...

Why would anyone in their right minds take a good strain of MJ and cross it with hemp?
What would be the benefits, you end up with either bad hemp or bad MJ. It won't make either better for the purposes it is used for.

Or why would anyone take a strain with less than 1% THC and spend the next 100 years trying to make it 5%?

Just one big ass waste of time from either perspective.


Well-Known Member
As ridiculous as it is I have researched breeding hemp/ditch weed with quality high thc genetics (years ago). When I researched it I was thinking about the benefits of a highly drought tolerant plant that would have high thc. Weed as we know it really is not a "weed" anymore, it is a much more delicate, finicky, high maintenance plant bred for thc yield not fibre and drought tolerance.
I found some posts by gorilla growers who used "ditch weed" as cover for their outdoor grows (I think in Kentucky). Some of ditch weed polinated some quality females and they grew some seeds out for a couple generations. All of it was worthless headache inducing smoke, hermied, and was a waste of time.
Long way of saying listen to the other posters above, don't waste your time with it.