Hempdepot.ca - seed ordering experience

Hemp Depot SUCKS , No Tracking? , No customs declaration? , No guarantee? , why not just send Brad your money for nothing? I did. Sure you can blame Chicago customs or people who TRUST Hemp Depot ? when your order never arrives. Stay away from Hemp Depot.

What seeds did you order?
I ordered from this company exclusively for years and all orders always arrive. Maybe cause I am in a different geographical local then you that increase my chances without the chicago hub. I like the anonymity with sending a money order as opposed to cc.
Just ordered recently. Wrote to them ahead of time, printed my order form and sent a money order. It took 13 days to get there. Got a confirmation saying it got there and that they had sent the package out. 30
Days later, no package and all that wonderful customer service is now not responding. This was a repeat order but never again. Don’t waste your time or money. There’s better genetics and people do business with
Just ordered recently. Wrote to them ahead of time, printed my order form and sent a money order. It took 13 days to get there. Got a confirmation saying it got there and that they had sent the package out. 30
Days later, no package and all that wonderful customer service is now not responding. This was a repeat order but never again. Don’t waste your time or money. There’s better genetics and people do business with
Sorry he SCAMMED you too. I think I lost $160 on my order? Try not to let it mess with your growing. There can be a lot of problems growing weed, and getting ripped off is one of them. I ordered from “Seeds Here Now” and sent cash ($100); SCAM! They are thieves. I ordered from Seedsman and received old seeds($60), money down the drain. I started buying from Greenpoint and Great Lakes Genetics. Greenpoint is honest and fresh about their product. I don’t know how fresh the seeds are at GLG, some could be old, so try to buy new stock or message them? I think Attitude Seedbank is honest but I haven’t ordered from them. Too bad we couldn’t pay that guy a visit…
I don't know why anybody would send cash..ever.

Dozens of banks take cc or venmo, PayPal etc.
A long time ago I would order from Herbies in the UK and tracking my payment cost $25? so I sent cash. The same with Seedsman. They never stole it. I send cash to Greenpoint and GLG w/o problems. I guess I trust too much when seedbanks say they take cash (SeedsHereNow). I understand that times have changed. I ordered from Etsy yesterday with a debit card.