Hempy, 400 watt Tent, and a Dream!


Active Member
Unbelievably, the clone with the hair on top has roots shooting out of the rockwool @ 5 days. She's going straight into a hempy bucket and straight back to flower. :)

The 3 clones in gallon jugs are now on 12/12 in the flower tent. Ak 48 Mama will get topped and cloned this evening as well.

I bent the tops on the bagseed as it was getting too tall. It may kill or stunt the plant. It was getting too tall. We'll see how that effects the plant.

All in all, the grow area is looking superb. I couldn't be happier. As this is all for a personal stash/hobby, I'll be happy with 2 or 3 ozs. Anything more than that will go into budder, green dragon, and hash. Green dragon is new to me (I think) and it sounds like a nice addition to an entertaining evening.

An ounce a month, more than I consume now, is my goal. I'm hoping that goal will be realized in about 6 or 7 weeks but definately by Independence Day.

If Ooganomix is the only person reading this journal than I'll cut it off now and PM with Oog. Cheers
Wow, your Hempy Grow is looking real good. No, don't stop your Journal, I am still here lurking around. I want to try this method of growing soon. Most everyone else new to Hempy Bucket are having problems and your grow is going smoothly. Your grow is a good example to follow.


Well-Known Member
Hempy is so easy. This is the easiest growing method that I can imagine. Rinse the perlite and vermiculite and put it in a bucket with a hole in the side. Stick a plant in. Water and feed. Switch lights over to 12/12. Harvest.

I feed the plants every 3 days. The clones get misted every other day. I bent the tops on the bag seed as the plant was getting too tall.

Hydro nutes make the grow easy. The one oddball thing that I started adding is a few drops of superthrive into the 5 gallon bucket that I mix nutes in.

I started a cucumber and a tomato plant for my son. He loves it.

Thanks for reading. I'll keep going.


Active Member
Sub'ed, also starting hempy with similar setup.. Nice to have someone a little ahead.. Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing your results..


Well-Known Member
Today is the day to germ a Sweet Seeds Green Poison and a Barney's LSD. They should be ready to flower when the batch that's in the tent is done. They are on day 22 of flower. Buds are forming. One of the Nirvana plants appear to be a white variety. Either that or it's the most trichome laden plant I've seen @ 3 weeks of flower.

Thanks for reading. I'll add some pics soon. The AK mama is looking GREAT!


Well-Known Member
Psychild, here are the updated pics. There's not much new going on.

The AK had 4 clones cut, leaving 8 potential tops. Preflowers were large and obvious so I placed her in the already full tent. I'm so impatient...

The DIY carbon filter still works well. The smell is noticeable only when the tent is open.

The Royal Hash looks great. It's like a mini-sativa. A few of her lower limbs were trimmed and placed into some rockwool. Wish me luck with those clippings.

The bagseed looks weak in comparison to the other plants. There are very few trichomes forming on the leaves. I considered removing it in exchange for the AK but decided to let it finish. IT's a bit more crowded...should be ok.

Here are a few pics. The AK looks great. I topped at the 6th set of leaves when the plant was approximately 9 inches tall, cloned the top (trying, it's slower than the others), let veg for a bit longer, cut 4 clones and left 4 set of branches.


Budding ladies:IMGP0780.jpgIMGP0781.jpg


Here are a few clones, some baby tomatoes, and some baby cucumber:IMGP0787.jpg

Any Q's?:joint:


Active Member
Got back from my trip. And see youve got some purty ladys there :D hope mine goes half as well as yours. we are close in wattage except im using stationary 4ft flour fir supplemental light and pure 300 / 2 150s HPS. :P im waiting on 2 things to be shipped my STG cubes. and my air pump for my DIY cloner....Props cant wait to see how these ladies cup sizes increase.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that your grow plans are coming together.

The tent smells glorious. Bagseed is a bit of a disappointment. The buds are super airy and small. It's at least a foot taller than everything else even after supercropping all the tops. The largest bud is about the size of a coke can. :) I started adding molasses to the nutes this week.

Here are some bud pics :)



Active Member
doing some final touches on my setup today. ill PM ya some pix after. Hiccup in the mail is making me wait longer for my STG cubes to start but while i wait ive decided to set up a 6 site DIY bubbleponic cloner.

Nice ladies are really busting up, That room must smell unbelievably delicious.


Well-Known Member
One of the small branches broke on the indica. It dried for a couple of days. I made it into budder yesterday.

Holy shit!

I put a piece of popcorn in the vaporizer and it's pretty good stuff. :)


Well-Known Member
Bag seed is looking sad.IMGP0795.jpgIMGP0796.jpg The buds are barely the size of a bic lighter and have almost no trichs. I'm chopping her in 2 weeks and turning it into budder.

The Mama is doing great. Big kola is about the size of a 16 oz bottle and growing by the day.IMGP0797.jpg

The Nirvana hybrid has enough to last me a month already.

I'll have to look back and see the date of the 12/12 switch. It seems like it was mid month. That puts me around 4 weeks. Awesome:)

The AK is doing exactly what it's supposed to with 6 main tops.


For those of you considering a hempy grow, I have to say that hempy growing is about as easy as it gets. This may not produce as much as some other folks' grows. For me, the ease growing is great. The plants haven't had any setbacks and I haven't been overly precise with anything. I feed way too much way too often and still I've had no problems.

The bagseed is disappointing but it was never supposed to make it to flower anyway. The Nirvana genes appear to be satisfactory. I can't complain with anything really. I should pull a 1/4lb or more, which will be plenty to last until the next harvest. There will be plenty for experimentation (green dragon, bubble hash, more budder, etc...) based around what is in the room right now. It should be a good summer.

The dream may become reality :)


Active Member

Your Grow looks good from here. I have just read the whole journal , and not very schooled on a " hempy" grow. .. yet. I'm impressed with your results. I have couple AK-48 in soil,that were seed starts in Feb. I guess I will do some reading on hempy before i ask some silly questions about your watering and set up. Im looking to move into DWC, EBb or a better setup. The results are to great to ignore.

I have been having success with my cloning procedure also, (100% yeh) using rapid rooters and T -planting into soil. I would practice more but don't want to exceed 24 plants. I know those LEO would try and count a dropped leaves as individual plant.
rep and subbed



Well-Known Member
Pew, are you doing a journal on your hempy grow?

Shagster, I know what you mean about the LEO stuff. I gave away 8 clones today just to get down to 12 plants total. I figure that the buffer is good for everyone. We are allowed 25 by state law so that keeps me very legal.
I can't really be of any assistance with DWC or ebb and flow. Hempy is easy enough that I'll probably stick with it for a while. I water when the reservoir is dry. The flowering plants are big enough that I feed every watering. It may cost an extra $15 in nutes over the grow....but...that's only $15. It's fun to watch the growth spurts when the roots reach the reservoir. The plants literally shoot up.

The aroma is intoxicating. For making budder, I took 2 sticks of butter, all of the leaves and bud from the broken branch, and a cup of water and heated them to a boil. I reduced to a simmer and stirred every few minutes. This kept up for about 40 minutes. I added a bit of water to maintain about the same ratio as when I started. I turned off the heat and let sit for about 15 minutes, then strained through cheesecloth into a bowl. The bowl went into the fridge for a couple of hours to allow the budder to harden. I scooped the hard stuff off and put in a container. The budder tastes very pleasant. A heavy scoop onto some toast and the day changes altitude.

The AK is growing wonderfully. The tent now has 5 plants, more ventilation, and a bit more light. I hope it continues as well as it's going right now.

Please let me know when you guys fire up journals. I would enjoy seeing what you are doing.


Active Member
Pew, are you doing a journal on your hempy grow?
I've been considering doing a journal. Ive got some bagseed that just got moved into larger pots, and a couple breeder seeds that are just getting cotys. Not usually one wanting to draw attention, but I could use the help and supervision. Also trying different VPNs to try and remain anonymous.


Well-Known Member
I hear you on the attention bit. I maintain anonymity as much as possible, but it's pretty hard. Several members on here are friends of friends. It's pretty silly to adopt the screen name of your home town :( oh well.

I didn't want to keep a paper journal as the Feds still consider the plant illegal. Less paper equals less proof here. With RIU being based in Canada, that's an extra level of protection. I'm glad I started this journal. I hope it helps someone else and it's nice to anonymously share the experience. I can't share that with folks around here as there is zero benefit.

Cheers and safe growing.


Active Member
Watering question.. How much water did you go through per feeding? I transplanted Monday & filled the res on 3 buckets, totaling 10G (2.5 + 2.5 + 5). Tuesday I left them alone, and today I was surprised it took 1 whole gallon to refill these 3 buckets to the point of hole-overflow. 10% total bucket capacity, more than I was expecting, does this seem like alot?
Getting my info together to start a journal, should be up later tonight..


Active Member
It looks like you are one of the few (with a Journal to follow) that has had success with Hempy Bucket growing. I thought that I might be interested but after hearing about and seeing the problems that other people were having I decided to hold off for awhile. You plants are looking good, keep us updated up to and through harvest. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Pew, water consumption depends largely on humidity. When I have low humidity, water consumption goes up. Higher humidity reduces the evaporation rate, water consumption goes down.

For 5 plants in 3.2 gallon containers, I use 4-5 gallons of fluid every 2 to 3 days.

If this doesn't help, please add pics of your buckets.

Mrs. BBB, I haven't read any of the failed hempy grows. I guess I'm lucky as I have no idea what I'm doing.



Active Member
That does help, plus I figure the new perlite is still getting settled/clumped/compressed. Got a journal started, consider this your invitation :).


Well-Known Member
I'm there! It's a great idea to thoroughly rinse the perlite and vermiculite prior to using. That gets all of the dusty junk out of it.
