Hempy Buckets, yellowing on lower leaves, help please <3 [HQ PICS]


New Member
i just cannot escape you no matter where i go Japan not only do people dislike you badly here but ive been checking out another growers page on another forum, just literally signed up today and i run into you again.
its the same thing, no one appreciates how you treat them there and thinks exactly the same thing i do as well as everyone here.

you even got banned from that forum for being an asshole to everyone. no wonder. literally same shit different flies, screw that im not sorry at all, your horrible.


you really need to freaking chill out that is something you should work on badly. your not always right either.

ok now im done, seriously that one blind sided me and i just laughed, i was like you have to be kidding me, can i just not see your name and abusive attitude in every forum i go to.

corrected why one earth would anyone look for you, you dont have much to provide other than being a jerk to people.


New Member
You are looking around the web for me? That's kind of scary guy, that's like a stalker and what's up with all the messages you keep sending me on my wall? Chill out man, smoke some if you got it.


New Member
You are looking around the web for me? That's kind of scary guy, that's like a stalker and what's up with all the messages you keep sending me on my wall? Chill out man, smoke some if you got it.
lol you wish your just that much of an asshole. trust me man, i was amazed freaking blown away, i was just looking at this this dudes killer ass buds then i went into his curing section, because he has some of the best cured buds and his method is quite unique. then boom low and behold you are there, being a know it all asshole like always.

also i just realized how stupid that was to say that, because if i was trying to stalk or look for you which is completely absurd your name is not even the same on that forum, so there is no way i could have even if i wanted to and trust me, i was trying to get away from this period so i just been checking the threads and browsin other peoples grows on other forums, so it would be literally impossible even if i type japanfreak in google to find anything related to you other than this, nice job trying to make yourself feel like people would actually care that much about you though, its cute in a way.



New Member
in any case if you keep up your attitude your time here will be short lived as well. so im chill, real chill. thanks for clarifying it though that you are just that.


Well-Known Member
Hah.....I'm still trying to figure out what the "Hempy Method" is anyway...could someone enlighten??? no worry about PH would be pretty bitchin!!!


New Member
it's a plastic bucket filled with your choice of medium with a pencil sized hole 2 inches from the bottom. You mix your nutes and dump them in. That's about it. There are many good tutorials around, I made one that I include in my link and you can find the original one prolly somewhere at this site as well, but maybe not because this site's search is always a bit iffy for me.


Well-Known Member
so basically the bottom two inches is like a little reservoir???interesting....wonder how that has any effect on not needing to adjust ph and stuff....sounds a little iffy.....could be bucketgirls problem if that's the case....sounds like it would be a perfect recipe for lockout and salt build up if you're not regularly flushing.....IDK


Well-Known Member
Nevermind....just read your little guide....actually pretty cool....is that like the "euro buckets" that GH does???I think its GH


Well-Known Member
And sorry to jack your thread BG2(although I think I'm doin better than others)....but would one need to add cal/mag to tap water???Just curious


Hello guys!

I've transplanted into 2liters as of a couple days ago and just yesterday popped them over to 12/12 (see attached).

It appears that my yellowing/spotting is contained to the few lower leaves that it was originally on and is NOT spreading further upward at this time. I plan on lollipopping these in a couple weeks anyway so what little damage there is will be a non-issue soon anyway.

The plants are looking healthier at this point moreso than in any of my previous grows - it seems the increased Cal-Mag solved the issue! Thanks guys!

Lesson learned: Assuming you are using GH nutes lucas formula or equivalent, utilizing the hempy bucket system, and using 100% perlite as your medium, with RO water you WILL need a full dosage and change of Cal-Mag (5-8ml per gal) every feeding.



New Member
Yup that's what most of us thought. Usually when leafs are damaged by something or another they don't bounce back, you have to look at the new growth to see if what you are doing is really working.


Well-Known Member
Bucketlegs how are they doing? Give us an update please, would love some "crappy phone pics" of the ladies!! Very nice legs in the avatar btw!