Hempy modification question


Well-Known Member
Not so much a modification and more or less just wondering if anyones ever tried tapping or plugging the drain hole and flooding the bucket for and letting the seedling/clone drink the nutrients in the beginning till the level drops enough to unplug the drain and fill the res as usual rather than watering multiple times a time, would a hemp kratky hybrid work for those that don’t have time to water constantly
Give it a go, let us know if it works out..
I wouldn’t do it though, the water will be stagnant and un aerated.. roots will suffer bacterial problems due to algae growth associated to light getting into the water logged medium.
Even if they survive you are hindering the growth because the roots don’t have to search for humidity, that kinda defeats the purpose..
hope i come along clear.. im bad at explaining things..you only need to water once maybe twice a day with hempys
Not so much a modification and more or less just wondering if anyones ever tried tapping or plugging the drain hole and flooding the bucket for and letting the seedling/clone drink the nutrients in the beginning till the level drops enough to unplug the drain and fill the res as usual rather than watering multiple times a time, would a hemp kratky hybrid work for those that don’t have time to water constantly

I start in solo cups and give them RO water once a day for a few days. I don't use eye droppers or misters etc, I use enough to keep the coco wet, never had an issue from over watering. After that I feed to run-off with nutes, starting around .6 EC or 300ppm.
Perlite will wick up the moisture a long way, and the plant will send roots down in a day or two. You can also make a small hempy and tranplant if you want. I used bato buckets decades ago and would root cuttings in solo cup hempy of perlite and transplant to batos after cup was full of roots.
Not so much a modification and more or less just wondering if anyones ever tried tapping or plugging the drain hole and flooding the bucket for and letting the seedling/clone drink the nutrients in the beginning till the level drops enough to unplug the drain and fill the res as usual rather than watering multiple times a time, would a hemp kratky hybrid work for those that don’t have time to water constantly
Plant went wild in growth like magic. A foot more. Then got a burn and died