Hep with clones

lol. So I accidentally cut off a part of my larger plan and decided to make a clone out of it. The only thing I've given was some root booster and clonex when I first made the clone. I've also given it small amounts of water. All these things occurred in the span of like 12-14 days.

Any idea what the yellowing might be?

This is s clone of a blackberry kush plant. It's growing under t5 lights



Well-Known Member
Under your current set-up, these cuttings will never take root. There are many reasons you're struggling with this. First, You need a ...I guess you call it a cloning tray and a bag of plugs to go with it. The tray is a three piece set: a base tray which holds the water, next a tray that holds the plugs (which fits into the water tray) and a humidity lid which is used for ONLY the first 24 hours after you take cuttings.

Also, while the cuttings are taking root, you should have them under low watt lighting going 24/7...a short 12" florescent fixture is great for this.