Her name is Faith. After I top, can you clone that top?


Active Member
Hey rol community! I think this is my first post over but I have been reading shit on this site for the past few years. Bunch of smart dudes I tell ya. Anyways:

I'm growing one tomato plant in a 10 Gal. Rubbermaid bin.
She's a few weeks olds, not even exactly how old, but she is healthy, about 6 nodes
about 4 inches tall.
Using 4 CFL's, all which range in color spectrum, but totaling around 100 watts.
She is a cutting from my buddies mother plant.

After I top her (which I planned on doing real soon I think? wasn't sure when best time to do that was), can i put cutting in the same system this mother is in? Do I need some sort of rooting power to put in for the cutting to grow roots??

Any help would be much appreciated!!!! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hey rol community! I think this is my first post over but I have been reading shit on this site for the past few years. Bunch of smart dudes I tell ya. Anyways:

I'm growing one tomato plant in a 10 Gal. Rubbermaid bin.
She's a few weeks olds, not even exactly how old, but she is healthy, about 6 nodes
about 4 inches tall.
Using 4 CFL's, all which range in color spectrum, but totaling around 100 watts.
She is a cutting from my buddies mother plant.
After I top her (which I planned on doing real soon I think? wasn't sure when best time to do that was), can i put cutting in the same system this mother is in? ...No... Do I need some sort of rooting power to put in for the cutting to grow roots?? ...No, but it helps.. a lot.

Any help would be much appreciated!!!! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Thanks for the input. So Ill just put the cutting in a different system. But actually why is that? Does my mother plant not want any of that rooting formula (would hurt her?)


Active Member
rooting powder is a great tool to ensure a cutting takes. id say its defenetly worth the few bucks youll spend to ensure that the cutting lives. i wouldnt top your lady untill shes almost touching the lights. back to the clone. itll take about 10 to 14 days for her to root. the cutting wont take well if just stuck in the dirt the easyst way to clone is in coco or peat moss cubes. clones need alot of water and hight humidity to take well ideally youd want to clone in another area if you cant then at least get the coco or peat cubes and put them soil youll have to keep the coco pritty moist for those two weeks. and when you plant the clone in the soil idealy youd want seperate pots but you could just use a plastic divider to keeps the roots seperate. if the roots tangle up they'll basicly choke eachother out. its kinda complex i guess but you can make it work...cloning is kinda tuff untill you get the hang of it.. why do you want to top her anyways topping usuly reduces yield..maybe you should get the basics of growing down before you tackle some of the harder things like clones. i recomed a grow book and a subscription to high times to get ya headed in the right direction.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Thanks for the input. So Ill just put the cutting in a different system. But actually why is that? Does my mother plant not want any of that rooting formula (would hurt her?)
It's not a matter of nutrients (per se), it's a matter of root binding. You don't grow two or more plants in one container (rez.)

Not to mention individual plant needs..


Active Member
Thanks for the input. So Ill just put the cutting in a different system. But actually why is that? Does my mother plant not want any of that rooting formula (would hurt her?)
My mother plant is sitting at around 500ppm right now, when I clone It's around 200ppm. I also use different nutes during the first two weeks from cutting, it has much higher levels of P and K than N. I than switch to my grow nutes and gradually bump up the ppm's as the plant grows.

Hope that helps.
Happy growing


Well-Known Member
You can totally use the top as a clone, just make sure to cut it at an angle. You don't need rooting powder or gel, but they help a lot. I also use H&G Roots Excelurator on day five to help the new roots grow as fast as possible.
10gal isn't enough space for 2 plants, especially since you would need to wait for the clone to be ready to go into flower so the mom could get really big.
A low dose (~100-200ppm) of bloom nutes helps. P and K are important for root growth. I personally clone in rockwool, but there's several ways that work. The best one is the one you like to do and feel the most comfortable with.

John Jacob

Active Member
how long is the cut your making from the top.. if your going to clone that top part it should be atleast 3-4 inches. IMO you should top/fimm the smallest part of the top growth area and let the branches get long enough because of it and cut those instead.. less stress for the little girl not to mention the top growth is one of the more stubborn places to clone and get roots (lowest branches being the easiest)



Well-Known Member
Hey rol community! I think this is my first post over but I have been reading shit on this site for the past few years. Bunch of smart dudes I tell ya. Anyways:

I'm growing one tomato plant in a 10 Gal. Rubbermaid bin.
She's a few weeks olds, not even exactly how old, but she is healthy, about 6 nodes
about 4 inches tall.
Using 4 CFL's, all which range in color spectrum, but totaling around 100 watts.
She is a cutting from my buddies mother plant.

After I top her (which I planned on doing real soon I think? wasn't sure when best time to do that was), can i put cutting in the same system this mother is in? Do I need some sort of rooting power to put in for the cutting to grow roots??

Any help would be much appreciated!!!! :eyesmoke:
until i read peoples comments i thought we were talking an actual tomato plant


Active Member
until i read peoples comments i thought we were talking an actual tomato plant
haha I'm pretty sure I was stoned and paranoid when I posted that... they grow basically the same though so either or right?? :mrgreen:

Here is another question though: What If I used some sort of rooting gel on some cuttings?(rooting gel vs. the rooting powder, since I'm assuming the mother doesn't want that power in the reservoir) I could place them in some rockwool and keep it moist, and I could section off the reservoir so the roots wouldn't bind together in the future, would that work? If I keep topping my mother plant (maybe twice), my plan was that she and the new clones would be almost on the same track as far as veg height etc. I'm not to worried about time frame actually because I have two different grow rooms, veg and flower.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Here is another question though: What If I used some sort of rooting gel on some cuttings?(rooting gel vs. the rooting powder, since I'm assuming the mother doesn't want that power in the reservoir) I could place them in some rockwool and keep it moist, and I could section off the reservoir so the roots wouldn't bind together in the future, would that work? If I keep topping my mother plant (maybe twice), my plan was that she and the new clones would be almost on the same track as far as veg height etc. I'm not to worried about time frame actually because I have two different grow rooms, veg and flower.
Short answer: no. Long answer: Yes, with many complications/issues, mostly for your smaller plant. It wouldn't be worth it anyway.

So why do you want to clone and then start in the same bucket(rez) anyway? It sounds detrimental to me..

John Jacob

Active Member
^ Agreed, you'd be better off with some small container on the side for clones it makes life much easier nahhmeann?


Well-Known Member
haha I'm pretty sure I was stoned and paranoid when I posted that... they grow basically the same though so either or right?? :mrgreen:

Here is another question though: What If I used some sort of rooting gel on some cuttings?(rooting gel vs. the rooting powder, since I'm assuming the mother doesn't want that power in the reservoir) I could place them in some rockwool and keep it moist, and I could section off the reservoir so the roots wouldn't bind together in the future, would that work? If I keep topping my mother plant (maybe twice), my plan was that she and the new clones would be almost on the same track as far as veg height etc. I'm not to worried about time frame actually because I have two different grow rooms, veg and flower.
haha that was my same problem i think i may have been "too high" to be reading at the time lol .


Active Member
So why do you want to clone and then start in the same bucket(rez) anyway? It sounds detrimental to me..
Yeah, yall are completely right. That's what I'm going to have to do, just put some different buckets in there. Didn't want to have to get a stronger air pump but that's inevitable. I just like to use what I have... kinda thrifty

Thanks for the input guys


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yeah, yall are completely right. That's what I'm going to have to do, just put some different buckets in there. Didn't want to have to get a stronger air pump but that's inevitable. I just like to use what I have... kinda thrifty

Thanks for the input guys
Any time man..

Btw, you could just get another cheap air pump to run the new bucket..

I ran a couple grows successfully from Walmart fish tank pumps.. the $10 ones. Worked great for small rezes.

Of course.. the more air the better :blsmoke: