Herb Man
Well-Known Member
can't wait for new pics! looking wonderful so far.
Wait no more, It's week 5 of the grow, Week 1 of Flowering.

Well as you can see, got the new flowering tubes in (5 reds) left in 3 whites.

These four ladies got FIM'd and blossomed very quickly afterwards.

IDW didn't skip a beat after being topped actually she got better. She's now IDW AKA The Four Tops

The two Hazes have overtook the OG Kushes in growth and are looking like they want to give IDW a run for her money. It's gonna be interesting to watch them over the next few weeks of growth explosion.

The Clones are in a cupboard in my kitchen (which may become the Clone Zone).
I make sure the fan is always blowing at the top of the canopy by resting it on a suitable sized box and adjust every week. I also use bubble wrap to kill the vibration of the fan on the box (Kills that loud Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm).
Also made the area around the air intake duckting air tight, light tight, smell tight.
There you have it guys, high tech, low tech.
Whatever works is the best tech.