herbies contact?


New Member
Hey everyone.

I'm fairly new here. I ain't got a question bout growing cause I been on all sorts of forums for awhile now and have figured out how to find the info myself

My question is about making contact with herbiesseeds. I have tried emailing them multiple time and i get a return mail thats says "the domain has no valid mail exchangers"

I also tried emailing them from their contact section on their website and it seems like those messages don't go thru either.

I just have some questions about ordering and ordering with a money order (I live in the states). And I really don't want to call them so it doesn't show on the phone bill. (Its my phone bill so its not like I'm trying to hide it from anyone, just don't want it on record anywhere

Anyone else having trouble getting ahold of Herbie's?

PS this post turned out to be much longer than intended


Well-Known Member
Never had a problem getting in touch with Herbie's. Don't understand the concern about calling them, since email is also traceable.


New Member
I will keep trying then. I've probably just pissed them off by pressing the send button to many times ha.

Its a free email account I set up. And I have a VPN that I use for all my I internet use for all my cannabis searching with an IP address in the Netherlands so I kinda want to keep it like that.


New Member
No I'm at herbiesheadshop.com/contact_us

sales@herbiesheadshop.com is who I have been emailing and it doesn't work. I might just say fuck it and not order anything I'm getting pretty discouraged. Just don't want to randomly send money over seas without making some sort of contact first. Idk. Probably stupid of me


New Member
Yeah I cant get ahold of them so fuck it. I'm done. I don't understand why I can't email them when I can email anyone else. Don't matter. Sorry for wasting yalls time


Active Member
The other day, I entered a message on their website, the place to send a message, I got an email back from a live person within minutes. It was just before 9am their time. They were even awesome enough to exchange a few quick emails back and forth. Make sure you're checking your spam box in the email account that you gave in the contact box.


New Member
Well I believe I figured it out. I made a different email thru a diffent site and I havent gotten an error yet and it seems to have went thru. @mail.com wouldnt send to them but I was getting emails from rollitup.org and was able to send emails so idk what the problem was. I guess I will find out at 430am my time when they open


New Member
Ok I got it figured out. It was my email address. I made a new one and it works fine now. Should be snagging a money order tomorrow and shipping it off. a little less discouraged now.

I have 1 random bag seed 2 weeks in veg which im sure is a waste of time and money. So hopefully I will have some fem. Seeds within the next 2 weeks to work with


Well-Known Member
Good luck with everything.. I grow bag-seed out and normally have decent results. I grow good genetics out as well though... normally just grow the bag-seed out to up my yields.