So their stealth is good? The first time I ever ordered seeds from overseas they got confiscated haha. I don't wanna shell out money again if the same will happen.
Is there difference between shipping time? I mean will Stealth take more time to arrive than Super stealth? if no, I like Stealth better. Cause it seems like they are mixing all seeds together in just one pack with Super Stealth right? How can I recognize seeds if I ordered couple of different seed strains?
The price of freekin seeds they should throw in a t-shirt!! Like how many seeds can a laarge plant yield at £5+ a pop
Herbie's is getting out of hand with their pricing... I'll stick with other seed banks. And yes, I used Herbies in the past.Well but in the end you can yield a plant worth 200+ dollars of high grade weed...pretty good investment to me.