Herbies seeds

Yep. Their beans are reasonably priced and they ship pretty quickly. I ordered the Afghan Kush but I'm not going to start them until after we move; our house is on the market.

Edited for: I just got an email that for the next 3 days they're giving 30% off.

i read somewhere that GCS use bulk seeds rebought from other sites. did you grow sth from them?
i read somewhere that GCS use bulk seeds rebought from other sites. did you grow sth from them?
Oh shit... No, haven't popped them yet. This would be their death sentence to charge $10 / seed for generic seeds; it damn well better be what they advertised. Thanks for the heads up!
2 for 2 from herbies, I couldn't help myself but take advantage of the black friday specials. I also have a couple of orders in the mail from the guys at 7 east genetics.
+1 for 7 East Genetics..I only ordered 10 seeds and recieved 46 with their TSE promo code. Wicked funny guys with the stealth packaging method would recommend an order just for the laughs youll get when opening your mail LOL
Kwikseeds just came through on a variety of Landrace seeds for me. Malawi Gold, Kathmandu, Lamb's Bread, more. Totally trustworthy from UK