Here are sum pix of the crops


Well-Known Member
the small plant in the second pic, in-between the two females, is a male. it has pollinated all the females. all the females now have seeds.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha sorry bro but you gotta admit it's kind of funny. O well you still got some bud to smoke


Active Member
Damn Damn Damn oh well shit happens rite u live and learn. Thanx guys for ur help ima post some pix in a few days of sum of the other crops growing too to see what yall think.


Well-Known Member
The pictures are blurry, but they all look male to me. I don't see a single white hair anywhere... :confused:



Active Member
lol sorry about your lose.
They all look male.
When i get my bag weed it always has seeds i guess the asshole grower just lets all the plants grow wild


Well-Known Member
the hairs fall off as soon as they catch pollen, to me those plants look EXACTLY like hemp, fully seeded, you sure you didn't just find them like that???most plants with that much sativa in them wouldn't be budding yet, cept for hemp.



Well-Known Member
NO it is not a male. males DO NOT produce seeds. pollinated females produce seeds. males shoot spunk. females have babies. come on, birds and the bees anyone?


Active Member
Ya my bad bout sum of the blur on the pix my camera sux nutz. Man i hope there not all male cuz my city is dry as hell and it sux!! But oh well looks like i get to collect seeds and try again next season. Like i said b-4 to im gunna put up some other pix of a few more crops so i can get the grease on em. Thanx to everyone who is helping me threw all this shit.


Active Member
I feel kinda dumb askin this but thats why im here rite, to learn. So if they are hemp does that make them usless?


Well-Known Member
well i used some nice hemp buds in a flower arrangment a few years back, smelled wonderful! ummm they are good for making necklases and cloth, i think im gonna make a cool neclace this year from the stems of my crop.


Well-Known Member
well i used some nice hemp buds in a flower arrangment a few years back, smelled wonderful! ummm they are good for making necklases and cloth, i think im gonna make a cool neclace this year from the stems of my crop.

hahhahaha. sorry. hhahahahaha funny. :mrgreen:


Active Member
Lol thats is funny bout the hemp, i just hope there not all hemp but if they are maybe ill make a shirt or sumin lol.