here is pics of the plant I wonder is marijuana

I looked at em and they remind me so much of pot plants, one even has a node that looks like its about to start something maybe a leaf or hopefully a node. I planted some real pot about 15 feet away and the leafs look very similar to the area I planted the real stuff in. the thing is they have 5 leaves each, and I know weed can have 7 after the 5.



Active Member
No, but I think you hit the crack pipe a bit too hard. It doesn't really resemble MJ at all other than it's green & has leaves.


Well-Known Member
I see tons of different plants everyday that look way more like marijuana than that
sorry man, but you may need to lay off the dope during the day ;)


Active Member
On the subject of no. of leaves can you tell the sex of a plant during veg by the no. of fingers on the leaves or by the pattern of nodes i.e. when they alternate so no longer symmetrical ,any truth ?


Active Member
I think it's all a myth. I've had males with female characteristics & vice versa. Pre flower them if you really want to know. Tape a bag to the branch. :P


Active Member
Def a "pot" plant. Roll it up and tell us how high you get. If that looks like MJ to you then I've got tons of "pot" plants that I can sell you. Some of them even grow apples and tomatos. They're pretty rare. Crazy I know.