here is the hash i promised i would make


Well-Known Member
guess i'll be shopping for some screens online....never been to jax but i hear all good things about it.....i'm down here around the treasure coast.....


Active Member
ya bro jacksonville is the shit lots of dank up here close to gainsville ive gotten some dank from down there for cheap i had a connect where i was gettin northern lights for 3200 a lb i had to drive and go get it though


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yes the same screen but lets try this take a wet leaf and squeeze it in your hand and in the other take a real dry leaf and squeeze..what happened you have leaf dust in the dry had and in the other yoiu have no dust. The water in a ice or bubble bag helps keep the plant matter down as its moist and not as fine so easier to catch as it clumps more. Same as in iso hash. Thats my point and if your around enough hash people you ll see they alsways call a dry sift kief just like whats in your grinder screen when you grinmd and hash is always made differently. now in bubble bags you have about 8 grades of hash your using 1 screen so your not removing the bigger matter before hand your rubbing it all into the screen. If you did 8 screens youd be getting closer to hash. Its still good to smoke just isnt really hash but a higher grade kief


Well-Known Member
yeah im telling you dank all over FL. good prices to....3200 a lb is real good ...a friend of mines said he'll do 38 for a lb. still good.....but im always getting diff. strains..haze is one of my fav's when it comes around.....n-e ways am i looking for a 25 thread micron screen or how can i find one of those 25 micron screen online?


Well-Known Member
yeah wanna hear something funny i pulled my screen from my grinder thinking i was going to make some kief but nope unsuccesful...screen was just to small

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
So if I was to get a screen to use with my water method and I was looking for quality over quantity would I go for 25 or 20 micron?


Active Member
and guys dont get me wrong i use all kinds of methods to make hash i have bubble bags i have a BHO kit but for doin small ammounts at a time for everyday smoke ive been using the screen i made and when i use the screen i dont grind it up to dusti leave the buds big enough for nothing to come through and like i said i put it in the freezer before i start to get the trichs harder they fall off easier


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Bubble bag set on ebay for around $50-65 bucks 5 gallon 3-5 bag sets. Have some nice 55 gallon drum ones there too for like $200. I do like FDDs use of aqua labs bag and a washing machine though


Active Member
actually i have a 8 bag system my friend sold me for 40 bux he sells them on ebay it has a ton of screens 2 catch bags then 140 mic 87micron 55micron 42micron 25micron and 20 micron shit is insane we ran through an ounce of mids last night and got back almost 7 grams total 4 of the grams were outta the 42 micron i will get pics when we do a 6 ou nce run on monday


Active Member
and i could have gotten more but all the hash outta 87 and 55 micron screens and ran it all through the 42 25 and 20 i got 4 grams outta the 42 2.2 outta the 25 and .8 outta 20 pluss about 2 grams of pwder outta the 25 its so fine u cant press


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I grabbed a 3 bag set off ebay few months back just a yellow bag combo guy was making them but he made them to small at the top and ripped one of mine right at the seams which sucks I still use it got little over 1/4 lb dried hash last round hope to get about half this round though


Mr I Can Do That For Half
if you got a picture of his bag setups and he wants to sell let me know if its a good price I might buy a set and if they are good and we work a deal i can post them on my site for sale.."Disclaimer this is not an attempt to promote my site so no one get pissy. It is just a conversation i am having"...have to put that as site has a ton of crybabies and if i say anything now they get bent out of shape on has gotten reallly whiney with this years new members not like it was lol


Active Member
ya like i said he makes him hisself i will ask him what they run for for the 8bag system thats the one u want u get so much diff kind of hash and you get a good bit back i turned an ounce of mids which i paid 70 for and got 7 grams of some shit i could sell for 30 a gram looks like ur shit but i got it in lil gram balls and its alot lighter really smooth texture smoke is incredible


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I get lazy and tend not to work mine very much I work it maybe 10 minutes then move on lol When its dry its like a golden yellow color and smokes very sweet


Active Member
well my buddy just gave me alot of small buds off his plant it was cured and i just made some killer ass hash i will try and get pics on soon tryin to find my damn camera he gave me to big ass buds i wanna show ya