Here they are hanging...


Active Member
Cleaning the closet, vacuming... disposing...

Going to hang them in there later tonight. Get a small fan on them. Ordered some white widow today from Nirvana.

Learned a lot, first time out.. made mistakes. Maybe fucking seeded them, lol.


Active Member
250w HPS, then added three cfls later for side lights. The buds on the bottom are way too small. I won't let them get this tall again. It is just a 2x2 closet.


Well-Known Member
dont aim the fan directly at them. just have it in there to ensure air exchange. direct gust on them will effect potency because they will dry too quickly. dont skimp out on the curing process


Well-Known Member
do not and I repeat do not put a fan on them. it will dry out the outside of the bud too fast leaving moisture in the centers. by the time the inside is dry the outside is too dry. if the outside is dry the inside is moist and that will lead to mold isues. you can only pull it off if you sweat them during the drying process.


Well-Known Member
traxxe, might i suggest selling most of that and getting a better camera lol sry just had to say it. good job on seeing it the whole way through. +rep excellent job


Active Member
Haha, a new camera is on the list. I have the fan blow into the closet and not directly on the buds. It's pointed on low below them, is that right?