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hey man,
Im doing bubbleponics i have 6 plants in a 30 gallon tote box the root system has only just started to grow really when should i start seeing real water depreciation in the box????? the temp is a steady 26c plants are roughly 17inches. i Keep hearing peoples plants taking a gallon a day ect where am i going wrong????????cheers
hey man,
Im doing bubbleponics i have 6 plants in a 30 gallon tote box the root system has only just started to grow really when should i start seeing real water depreciation in the box????? the temp is a steady 26c plants are roughly 17inches. i Keep hearing peoples plants taking a gallon a day ect where am i going wrong????????cheers

When ur roots are fully in the nutes not just suspended in the air and the tips are in the nutes she will drink a lot. you will be checking 2 or 3 times a day soon. This girl is in a 5 gal bubble bucket 3 weeks flowering and drinks 3 quarts or litres (if ur metric) a day after i went into flowering under HPS is when she started to drink that much and got her growth spurt

and i have a setup kinda like yours, only its 4 clones in a 30 gal tote with20 gal of nute solution, its an aerospring bubbler they are only 3 weeks from when the roots showed and the level is just now needing topped up

so this is a long shot but I thought I'd ask....

I picked up some northern lights clones a week ago, put them in my aeroponic system (stinkbud's), went on vacation and came back to dead clones. well not so dead. The plant physically looks dead but they are growing new roots. Could they survive? (spent some money at the club...dont want it to go to waste)
Hi Thanks for replying should i leave the bottom of the pots ever so slightly submerged or should i leave space for them to go searching for the water ?????? cheers

If the roots havnt came through the pots yet, set the level to about1/2 in or 1.27 cm if ur metric. Then when the roots are able to reach down to get to the water after they submerged into the liquid then you can let just the tips of them into your nutes thats the only way they will be able to take up the nute's they need
i have a female indica plant 24 in tall, 8 weeks old in my yard its in a 0ne gallon container, can it reach full maturity there or does it need a bigger container
i have a female indica plant 24 in tall, 8 weeks old in my yard its in a 0ne gallon container, can it reach full maturity there or does it need a bigger container

im sure youll get root bound if your summer is still a couple months away. (can you look at the drain holes on the bottom and see if you see any roots coming out?)
ok i starting a closet grow and im wondering if it would be ok i i use miracle grow soil mixed with perlite for all my plants life ( veg and bud) also i was wondering im gonna be keeping some mothers to take clones from and i was wondering if the mirace grow soil only feeds for three months i was wondering after those nutrients are used up can i use miracle grow all purpose plant food for the rest of the plants life
don't use miracle grow. all the aciditics kill off the TCH. it will give u big buds but with no potency. i've come to the conclusion that's how the grow "legal bud". ur whole harvest will be bunk
The best soil; you can use period is Fox Farms Ocean Forrest, [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag. Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!
And you wont need any nutes for at least 30-45 days
what kind of bud is that in your profile? i have never seen anything like that!! what is it, and how can i go about finding some seeds? that thing is amazing!! would love to see some dank bud like that with my own eyes!!! WOULD LOVE TO HERE MORE ABOUT THAT STRAIN!!! educate me.