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If your talking about nirvana I have heard alot bad things about there seeds not popping and peopl never getting ther orders... sorry bro

cool thanks just makeing sure it wasnt somthing i did bummer part isit was a white snow seed bought from nevana hmmm that sucks
Well If you want yeild and quality I'd say start them off inside then take them outside and grow some monsters, and I could never just grow 6...

Indicas are great but over all hybrids will bring you more...
If i could only grow six I'd train the holy turd's out of them to make damn sure they are atleast 7 to 8 foot tall...

I am not sure what they mean by mature, But I'd test it... I mean if you have 6 huge christmas trees in your back yard I'm sure they won't say anything about 20 clones in veg...

But Im not the government or a lawyer so don't quote me on that if you get busted...:mrgreen:

Good luck...



Well-Known Member
I got a few ?'s...Im growing with: 2-600w HPS air cooled in a Dark Room tent, flood and drain 4x4 table w-70 gal res. 3-6" inline fans(1-for intake,1-for exaust cooling both lights,and 1-air movement) Grow-Micro-Bloom from A.N. My medium is 6" rockwool blocks on a coco fiber 1" grow matt. My table floods for 15mins 3x's a day while the lights are on. I should be getting my water chiller tomorrow for tha res. My room temp are 72.5 F and 60F @ night. how long should I be flooding for and how many x's a day? Im currently growing purple urkle clones. what should my ppm's be for the first 2 weeks of flowering? Why are my clones drooping? My guess is probably too much water what do you thing?
Ok so Ive been looking for a house...

Haha stumbled on this today... check out the back yard... Grow world!!!

And wanna get drunk and climb down this with me? it's over a hundred foot high cliff with about a 30 foot drop... I climb down it today.... stupid idea... I almost pissed my pants getting back up...

aight a close up of green crack

and on top is green crack and on bottom is train wreck...
Let me note this are cut way to early, but still taste great...

Well nice set up bro... two 600's is a great combo a hell alot better then a 1000...

And a water chiller is great but expensive...

AN nutes are great too...

My friend floods his 4 times a day in veg for 15 minutes, then I believe 30 minutes 3 times a day for flower...

Let me get right back on the ppm's

I don't use a ppm meter so I have no idea... But I will get a good answer for you today or tomorrow,,,

What are you using for a medium? coco or grow rock or rockwool?

You might also wanna cut a hole it your mat where the drain is.. I have heard your roots can clogg up the drain. And also don't ever move your pots once they are on that mat.. Because your roots are suppose to grow into the mat...

so if you have faster flowering strains put them on the outside and the slower one leave in the middle..

Also if possible buy some go gnats... they tend to be a big problem on tables...

I got a few ?'s...Im growing with: 2-600w HPS air cooled in a Dark Room tent, flood and drain 4x4 table w-70 gal res. 3-6" inline fans(1-for intake,1-for exaust cooling both lights,and 1-air movement) Grow-Micro-Bloom from A.N. My medium is 6" rockwool blocks on a coco fiber 1" grow matt. My table floods for 15mins 3x's a day while the lights are on. I should be getting my water chiller tomorrow for tha res. My room temp are 72.5 F and 60F @ night. how long should I be flooding for and how many x's a day? Im currently growing purple urkle clones. what should my ppm's be for the first 2 weeks of flowering? Why are my clones drooping? My guess is probably too much water what do you thing?
Alright between 200 - 500 ish....

but shoot for 400 the first two weeks then you raise from there...

I got a few ?'s...Im growing with: 2-600w HPS air cooled in a Dark Room tent, flood and drain 4x4 table w-70 gal res. 3-6" inline fans(1-for intake,1-for exaust cooling both lights,and 1-air movement) Grow-Micro-Bloom from A.N. My medium is 6" rockwool blocks on a coco fiber 1" grow matt. My table floods for 15mins 3x's a day while the lights are on. I should be getting my water chiller tomorrow for tha res. My room temp are 72.5 F and 60F @ night. how long should I be flooding for and how many x's a day? Im currently growing purple urkle clones. what should my ppm's be for the first 2 weeks of flowering? Why are my clones drooping? My guess is probably too much water what do you thing?
It looks like a cut to me... And if it is looks good...
What are you using for your light most of the time indoor or out?

Put it outside full time and you'll be stupidly happy..

thanks for sharing..

masterofgenetics, how does my girl look shes 21 days old :peace: thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
It looks like a cut to me... And if it is looks good...
What are you using for your light most of the time indoor or out?

Put it outside full time and you'll be stupidly happy..

thanks for sharing..
i put it outside whenever its sunny otherwise its under a light.. and yes its a clone glad its looking good thanks for the input :blsmoke:
I gave you rep as try to do with everyone who post...

yeah don't trip about the the little brown leaves.. It happends almost evry time with cut's

It's like cuttin your finger off then trying to reattach it (yeah it's going to be ugly)

hey bro start a journal.. or post your pics in this thread as much as you would like..

Keep it green:blsmoke:

i put it outside whenever its sunny otherwise its under a light.. and yes its a clone glad its looking good thanks for the input :blsmoke:


Active Member
I have 7 Fem White Widows and 2 Fem Auto Flower Little Angels that are 3 weeks old from sprout. They are only a few inches tall and are just now having the 3rd set of leaves pop out of the middle, barely. This seems really slow because when I see other peoples pics of their plants @ 3 weeks there are multiple leaves and they actually resemble plants, whereas mine still look like seedlings, almost.
I made a mistake and added a small dose of Canna A and B Nutes and Rhizotonic after the first week. I realized that was wrong and flushed the medium on 2 different days since then.
My medium is 50% canna coco 40% perlite 10% clay pellets.
I use distilled water and I water every other day or as needed.
My light is a 600w MH with a digital ballast. The light hangs 2-3 feet away from the babies. Light cycle is 18/6.
Oscillating Fan on 24/7.
Air circulation is better during the light cycle because I leave the closet door wide open. The door stays shut for dark cycle with no intake or exhaust, but temp stay room temp.
The plants are in little coco pots. I thought they might be root bound even though so small so I moved 4 WW's into half gallon containers, and they aren't doing much better than the other ones. So that rules out root boundingnosity.

Thanks for your help.


Active Member
oh and in addition to the nutes that i added i also added small doses of calmag at that time


Well-Known Member
Your good bro, You don't even need clearex if your organic there is no toxins... On tables your not always able to flush because some strains take alot longer then others... I don't always flush but my bud still taste bomb!!

Two weeks are good, If you let all your fan leaves die until nothing is left but bud is the best some say...

Persona;;y I let my fan leaves all turn yellow and thats usually good point!!

Thank you. I am not totally organic. I used FF nutes including solubles and think the Big Bloom is the only nute that's organic. The guy at my hydro store says a few years back they only had the Big Bloom and not Tiger Bloom and people just used the BB to flower with success apparently. Some folks round here don't even recommend using the Big Bloom at all, waste of money supposedly. Plants seem to like it though. But, I digress.

Here's where I'm at. I flushed Monday w/ Clearex at 2-3 gallon a pot and last night straight water at 2 gallon a pot and tonight I am going with the Clearex again at 2 gallon a pot and then tomorrow straight water then lights off for 24 hr and then chop. How's that sound? Overkill? I don't want fert taste whatsover and have ferted heavily up until a week ago. Also, many of my fans are yellowing, particulary since I started the flush. A lot of work, but I hope it pays off.

Thanks again.


Active Member
Hi again Master O'G

I see from your pics that you grow (at lease some) in soil. You've also said you don't use a ppm meter. When I feed my outdoor plants I will be using water from a stream. Do I need to res the water and mix it with nutes (planning on fox farm) or can I add nutrients on the fly when I water them? And I'm assume you watch you plants for signs of burn or under feeding, do you mainly stick to the recommended mix or do you advocate some derivative formula? I've got a ppm meter, is it worth the anal retentive checking and tweaking or can a guy be more relaxed with the ferts?

Thanks Again
when it's cut

No you can start taking off the under growth right before flower or two weeks after, but I suggest doing it over a three week period to lower the stress... You wanna make it look like a lolli pop but you can leave it the way it is and you'll be just fine...

This is really only needed when you have bushes

Help! Im a newbie. When do I prune the leaves off of the bud?
Well you may not have hurt them from just feeding them, you used quality nute's Im not sure what the say to use But I would only use about half a teaspoon.. and a little super thrive wouldn't hurt...

First Have you tested your PH?
Or your PPM?
It is possible to grow a successful crop of good quality with out every testing( I know from personal expirence)
But I do suggest using a ph meter...

Also i will add that coco is had too start off seeds and even clones sometimes..
I think you may be underwatering...
Alot people would never say that, but I have been using coco for over three years and I still underwater everytime...

My plants are in 100% multi grade coco ranging from coco husk to pryth to croutons...

Just for a little extra advice check a thread that me and a couple of friends composed

I have 7 Fem White Widows and 2 Fem Auto Flower Little Angels that are 3 weeks old from sprout. They are only a few inches tall and are just now having the 3rd set of leaves pop out of the middle, barely. This seems really slow because when I see other peoples pics of their plants @ 3 weeks there are multiple leaves and they actually resemble plants, whereas mine still look like seedlings, almost.
I made a mistake and added a small dose of Canna A and B Nutes and Rhizotonic after the first week. I realized that was wrong and flushed the medium on 2 different days since then.
My medium is 50% canna coco 40% perlite 10% clay pellets.
I use distilled water and I water every other day or as needed.
My light is a 600w MH with a digital ballast. The light hangs 2-3 feet away from the babies. Light cycle is 18/6.
Oscillating Fan on 24/7.
Air circulation is better during the light cycle because I leave the closet door wide open. The door stays shut for dark cycle with no intake or exhaust, but temp stay room temp.
The plants are in little coco pots. I thought they might be root bound even though so small so I moved 4 WW's into half gallon containers, and they aren't doing much better than the other ones. So that rules out root boundingnosity.

Thanks for your help.
Fan leaves are suppose to turn, you making them die (aka fall)

How good does your medium flow, if you put in 2 gallons does 1 3/4 come out?
If not I suggest using only one gallon..
You will be safe running the clearex every time, if your plants are over 3 feet tall I would use the amount it say's to on the bottle but if not I would only use half..

The best advice I can every give anybody about cutting when you think it's done, then wait another week, then it looks like it's about to die wait one more week


Thank you. I am not totally organic. I used FF nutes including solubles and think the Big Bloom is the only nute that's organic. The guy at my hydro store says a few years back they only had the Big Bloom and not Tiger Bloom and people just used the BB to flower with success apparently. Some folks round here don't even recommend using the Big Bloom at all, waste of money supposedly. Plants seem to like it though. But, I digress.

Here's where I'm at. I flushed Monday w/ Clearex at 2-3 gallon a pot and last night straight water at 2 gallon a pot and tonight I am going with the Clearex again at 2 gallon a pot and then tomorrow straight water then lights off for 24 hr and then chop. How's that sound? Overkill? I don't want fert taste whatsover and have ferted heavily up until a week ago. Also, many of my fans are yellowing, particulary since I started the flush. A lot of work, but I hope it pays off.

Thanks again.