Here we go again


Well-Known Member
No, the Bush cuts are not that much money. But it is a lot. BTW, no one has to repeal anything. If no action is taken at all, the cuts will expire as they were intended (cough cough). Suits me fine if that's what they do.


Well-Known Member
Wasn’t Obama supposed to do something about that?
Like what, exactly? Congress holds the pursestrings, not the President. Plus, we have a no-to-everything House and a Senate where it takes a super majority to pass ANYTHING. Obama is trying to get us the fk out. Bush set us up to spend billions, enriching his Haliburton friends.


Well-Known Member
It is just so warped when you think about it. We are, in fact, building infrastructure in those two countries. And we are borrowing every dime we spend to do it. Meanwhile here at home budgets are being slashed, teachers, police, firemen laid off. The people losing their jobs are on the hook for the money to build those schools in Afghanistan for crhissakes.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
But it is totally ok with you that we continue to borrow money to build roads and schools in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Are you nutz? Two wrongs don't make a right.

We need to get back to a smaller, more responsible federal government. Let's shrink the some-bitch down to size. That would mean a constitutional central government with the power returned to the states. One of the FEW legitimate functions of the federal government is to protect We The People from foreign attack. In other words, defense, not offense. In a truly free society, our government would not be "nation building" with the attempt at democratizing the entire world in our image. I'll leave that up to the Bill Kristol types at National Review.

Your comments?



Active Member
Like what, exactly? Congress holds the pursestrings, not the President. Plus, we have a no-to-everything House and a Senate where it takes a super majority to pass ANYTHING. Obama is trying to get us the fk out. Bush set us up to spend billions, enriching his Haliburton friends.
So it’s Bush’s fault we are over there, but it’s no fault of Obama’s we are still there. He is the commander and chief. Let’s not forget the third conflict Obama got us in without congressional approval. Remember Obama and the dems had control of the House and the Senate for 2 years. They could and did pretty much anything they wanted, but don’t let things like facts get in the way. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts so now shouldn’t they be called the Obama tax cuts?


Well-Known Member
Dems never had "control" of Congress. The filibuster, a device once used only about once a decade, is threatened with every piece of legislation. It now takes 60 votes to get anything through the Senate.
No, they are not the Obama tax cuts. Extending them was the only way to get anything passed. I'll say this though..if they get extended again it is all on the dems.


New Member
So it’s Bush’s fault we are over there, but it’s no fault of Obama’s we are still there. He is the commander and chief. Let’s not forget the third conflict Obama got us in without congressional approval. Remember Obama and the dems had control of the House and the Senate for 2 years. They could and did pretty much anything they wanted, but don’t let things like facts get in the way. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts so now shouldn’t they be called the Obama tax cuts?
Senate Passes Resolution Calling for No-Fly Zone Over Libya

By Dan Friedman
Updated: March 1, 2011 | 9:35 p.m.
March 1, 2011 | 9:19 p.m.

The Senate unanimously approved a nonbinding resolution on Tuesday calling for the United Nations Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and urged Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi to resign and allow a peaceful transition to democracy.


New Member
So it’s Bush’s fault we are over there, but it’s no fault of Obama’s we are still there. He is the commander and chief. Let’s not forget the third conflict Obama got us in without congressional approval. Remember Obama and the dems had control of the House and the Senate for 2 years. They could and did pretty much anything they wanted, but don’t let things like facts get in the way. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts so now shouldn’t they be called the Obama tax cuts?

Republicans Hold Unemployment Extensions Hostage to Get Tax Cuts for The Rich

Published by will45 on December 6, 2010 in World Politics


New Member
So it’s Bush’s fault we are over there, but it’s no fault of Obama’s we are still there. He is the commander and chief. Let’s not forget the third conflict Obama got us in without congressional approval. Remember Obama and the dems had control of the House and the Senate for 2 years. They could and did pretty much anything they wanted, but don’t let things like facts get in the way. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts so now shouldn’t they be called the Obama tax cuts?

March 02, 2010 08:00 AM
GOP Wins Filibuster Gold Medal

By Jon Perr


Active Member
Senate Passes Resolution Calling for No-Fly Zone Over Libya

By Dan Friedman
Updated: March 1, 2011 | 9:35 p.m.
March 1, 2011 | 9:19 p.m.

The Senate unanimously approved a nonbinding resolution on Tuesday calling for the United Nations Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and urged Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi to resign and allow a peaceful transition to democracy.
Is that congressional approval military action? No.

“The demand that Obama secure congressional approval to continue the Libya operation has brought together House Republicans and liberal Democrats”. Link

We could play the quote game all night but it's not going to change either one of our opinions. So I won't waste any more of my time. So blame Bush and enjoy the kool aid because it's going to run out in 2012.


Active Member
Dems never had "control" of Congress. The filibuster, a device once used only about once a decade, is threatened with every piece of legislation. It now takes 60 votes to get anything through the Senate.
No, they are not the Obama tax cuts. Extending them was the only way to get anything passed. I'll say this though..if they get extended again it is all on the dems.
Dems had a majority in the House and 59 or 60 seats in the Senate when Obama was inaugurated.


Well-Known Member
How quickly we forget. When Gadhafi was slaughtering people in the streets, the world was debating what to do about it. GOP were coiming out of the woodwork, excoriating Obama for not "doing something" law, sovereignty and not knowing who these rebels were be damned. He couldn't and didn't move fast enough for some of them.
Plus, it was and is a NATO op. We have committments there.
Libya was but one of many no-win situations Obama has faced since taking office. I just wish he and the dems would get tougher with 'em.