Here we grow...


Well-Known Member
Though everything looks pretty perfect right there, I did find a couple places on each plant, though very small, that looked a little yellow. What is the verdict on these small tarnishs on what otherwise appears to be a very healthy, now obviously sativa plant, which it was totally billed as which just further helps reassure me that these genetics are in fact what they are supposed to be.

PS ~ I think it's time to put in the carbon filter, this is gonna get messy...


Well-Known Member
Just fed with 1/3 gallon a piece 655ppm 6.53 ph water w/ 1/2 tsp grow, 1 tsp tiger, and 1/2 tbsp bloom, also added just about 1/8 a tsp of open sesame (just barley the bottom of a 1/2tsp). Just one little finger on one leaf on the plant topped at node 3 is looking gnarly... the rest except for what I pointed out earlier is all looking dark green and growing... I'm so worried that I'm going to have another boy, I think the plant topped at node 4 is going to be a boy... i just have a bad feeling... and though its still to early to tell, things aren't looking good.... please just one girl out of the two, they've been babied so much... i wanted something to give my close friends for Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Also, this.
Comes highly recommended... by me.
I get my readings with this, temp, ph, ec, ect....


Well-Known Member
No sure sign of sex yet, but I'm holding my f'ing breath people! (and not just because it's starting to get mighty stinky every time I just open the door to this tent) this is going to be the kinda stuff that you would wave by a friends nose in public very discretely just to get a reaction.
Here's the can filter 2600.
Also, here's the only little problems. What the heck? No one can ever tell me what's wrong with my plants... last person said it must be N, but with a nice drink (1 tsp/gallon) of grow along with the rest of the line up at half strength, I don't see what's missing...? Only thing I've done different was add a touch of Open Sesame when I got it a few days ago, (I added 1/4 tsp to 1 gallon RO water (313ppm) and watered between the two plants.) This started right before that and hasn't gotten any better sense.
These plants are very very slow growers for those who don't know. I really shouldn't suspect to see flowers anytime soon, but that isn't stopping me. I guess I'll just have to keep taking care of them both like they're my little girls until someone shows me something pretty... or pretty disappointing... :(
The stalks are about as big as your pinky finger... say hello to sativa fingers...


Well-Known Member
I've had to raise the light twice in the past 48 hours, these plants are really stretching.... if you notice, this is the first time I've referred to these plants as plants and not my ladies,... I'm pretty sure now a couple days into week 6 that the taller plant, topped at node 4, is a boy. Your basically reading words typed by a devastated man right now...
On the bright side:
Here's what I've learned first hand. Topping at the 3rd node doesn't help keep the plant so short that it's worth doing because it does hurt yield so much (at least it appears that way from the growth I'm seeing on these two plants.) I added another desk fan at the bottom of the tent and temps seem to have really dropped, I'm averaging about 78-79 now down from the low 80's. This is a bonus, I just did it to give these growing plants a workout.
Here's a picture, and here's the boy I think I have. I honestly can't tell yet with the other plant... I can tell you one thing, if this poor little topped at the 3rd node plant does turn out to be a girl then she's getting a name cause I'm sick of typing all that out... :)

Another thing I'll note is this; do seriously consider ordering at least your first batch of seeds from a less expensive bank, or even a good banks less expensive seeds is a better way to put it. Ordering 120 dollar WW seeds and only seeing a single male WW a male TSS and another questionable one sucks. On top of that, 2 of the femed bonus seeds from G13 sprouted and died. PPP, and Skunk #1. So yea, go with the cheaper ones till you get it figured out.
12 ww seeds, 1-male, 5-duds, 1-dropped. 5 left in new cold storage unit, I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Sitting right beside me is the little boy... I'm about to take him to the chopping block... to celebrate I accidentally broke the main top node of the other plants stalk trying to get it start lst'ing, not so low right?
Great night. Down to one plant. This is why next time I might even start with 10...


Well-Known Member
Well last post was extremely sarcastic because I was down, but I do have a ray of sunshine. The other plant is a girl! Woo hoo! Even though this plant was topped just above the 3rd node her growth is still impressing me, she didn't seem to care at all that I broke her stem down the middle, a twisty tie later she was back in the game. Sex is definitely a girl, she has a few white hairs at every split of every node, appearing almost literally overnight. I raised the light again for height reasons. It's going to be time to feed again soon... should I still be using open sesame at this point or is it time to move on to the beasty blooms? I did it (feeding) a little out of order and I just want to give the plant what it wants, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
awesome bro glad things turned out for the best she looks nice and healthy.
Thanks man, things are looking good right now, lets hope they stay that way! I'm more excited now then ever, seeing those white hairs popping out makes me feel better because I'm seeing the beginnings of some diggity dank bud! Finally, I'm going to get to try some bud that I know for a fact is predominantly sativa; and I know because I grew the damn thing all the way from a seed! :-D


Well-Known Member
Water/Feed 1 gallon:
587 ppm
6.49 ph

1 tsp big bloom
1/2 tsp tiger bloom
1/4 open sesame

Looks beautiful, I'll put some space between pics for added effect.... more to come...


Well-Known Member
Ah what the hell, a taste of things to come...

14 to 16 weeks of flowering... we're on week 2... :-/


Well-Known Member
This morning I counted almost 200 bud sites on this one plant (counting each node twice for each bud growing out of each side of it.). Also, I had to play around with the light and my plant stands because I saw growth of about 2-2 1/2 inches in ONE NIGHT yesterday... I'm a little scared to see how big this lady is going to be, but I think I have the overhead to handle her.... I said I would name her if she turned out to be a girl, any suggestions? lol
Thai Super-Skunk starting week 3 of flower right now... lots don't even know the sex of this plant for a full 6 weeks, I hope the fact that I did in two means that I'm gonna get some poppin' buds :)
One final note, I mentioned I broke the main stem down the middle starting a lst job a few days ago, then tried to fix her up with a couple twisty ties, I was worried for only about one night because this plant simply laughed at it and kept growing. I removed one of the two twisty ties this morning, and the one around the base of the plants broken node is now becoming part of the trunk... it will be engulfed in another week, I'm going to leave it to reinforce the trunk because these buds are going to put a lot of weight on the two main stems. I'm very happy with this plants vigor, if it only weren't for the awfully long flowering time... geez. grow baby grow....


Well-Known Member
Watered this morning with a half gallon of RO water (that admittedly needs it's filters changed, the water is about 150ppm's out of the tap) with about 1/2 tsp of molasses in it. Brought it to about 187ppm, ph'ed to 6.46. Hight is getting wild, I said early on that this plant might get 5 or 6 times its size in flower... it's every bit that now. I know that this isn't good for the lower buds, which are visibly smaller than the top ones, but I'm not going to start lst'ing until I run out of room. I'm worried to try since I cracked the stalk last time. I just topped too soon, to much is ridding on the 3rd node staying strong, I don't want to put to much stress on it. The base of the stalk is every bit as big as my thumb... and growing... I expect this plant to possibly hit 5 feet tall. Buds are getting hairier and heavier everyday... I'll take some pics this weekend. I'm reassessing what I expect the yield to be everyday almost, I'll be happy to get a ounce off it, this is not a high yielder though so I'm not holding my breath, quality over quantity is my mantra anyway! :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics. Projected finish date is Sept 29th, that will be 14 weeks... We'll see around 12 weeks were we're at and make a choice. Light must go up a link a night, tops were touching the light again when i checked on her last night, but no burning happened.


Well-Known Member
1 gallon

weak 1/2 tsp grow
heavy 1/2 tsp tiger
1/2 tbl Bloom
heavy 1/8 tsp Beastie

watered with all but a little of the gallon, water was just coming from the bottom of the pots.
It's still traveling about a single chain length a night...


Well-Known Member
Plants pot is now on the ground, stands (almost) chest height with me and I'm over 6 feet. The smaller bud pic is an idea of what's popping up ALL OVER this plant right now... here's another shot from above showing you what I'm talking about... smell sorta faded for a while, but after this last feeding it's creeping around again, especially after I moved her this morning :weed:

Advice, criticism? I see people are looking at this, engage me if you will?


Well-Known Member
She Lives! But She's been bitten by the fuzzy white hair monster!

Dirt is starting to get dry much faster... next feed, aqueduct water strait from within the earth. :hump:

Bout 10 weeks left! Ahhh!


Well-Known Member
Watered last night with well water ph'ed to 5.83, 1 gallon. She was thirsty. Here's some pictures, included are a few of leaves that are showing signs of something, I'm hoping I can use this site to find out what's wrong exactly, it is after all my greatest resource. Also are a few closeups of some lower buds, and some pics showing how the buds scatter down the branch...

as always input is encouraged

just to clarify, the leaves are all older growth and do have a pretty big fan blowing at them at point blank range, for what it's worth.
One of the pics is of the first leave from weeks ago, and what it looks like now.