here's a good one for ya concerning light transition


Well-Known Member
you guys kiddin me? shit , what happens to the right to have a life? wow I'm sorry but I could never live that, I am not even planning to start work full time after this. I think life needs to be experienced no matter what, I mean what is the one thing that you can never get back? for money ...shit I know one way to make it pretty and i,m gettin better and better at it.... fuck society and its laws regulations and violation of fondemantal rights, I vote for me and those I love, not them bastards who take 80 % of the money we work for anyway....I use to work a hell of a lot, until i caculated how many hours in a week I worked for those cocksucking politicians, and their corrupt system, any hour put into that system is a contribution to your own demize. i choose life man! sorry a simple opinion from a free

and this year I'M going for a new record of having worked the least amount of hours in the year but having made the most now that's something to work for!!!

wow just thinking about it is


Well-Known Member
I reckon , I was my own boss for 15 years as a contractor, I see ur point its a lot easier killing yourself on the job when the buisness is I totally respect your way of doing it, was just sharing my view, to me my life's a playground and honestly I really do not see the point of giving it away, we are made to believe that in hard work is everything, seriously I saw a tv show a couple years ago where G.W.Bush was recieved at an open question period , the first lady who wanted to speak was a mother of 2 who had to hold down 3 jobs to make it, and this subhuman cocksucking nazi prick turns around looks at her and says with this sarcastic smirk on his face "isn't that the american way" as though she should be proud of the perseverence or something, just look at the ridicule of the situation, a mother who can never be with her children because she needs to work 3 jobs in order to stay below the pauverty line, shit , they keep us busy in meaningless jobs, constantly preoccupied with making ends meet, and while were busy doing that , they steal everything we have, kill all in their way and mainly their own may I add and call it the American way!...shit, was never such a thing, sorry peeps but to me its just the same sheeple factor that has always been there. maybe once capitol hill gets blown to fuckin bits then the people will know what having rights and a life mean again.