Here's the pic of my ladies


i think there's alot of shit wrong with them i just took'em in when they were 4 months and berly starting to bud...i'm just waiting for these to be done so i can start over with some afghani seeds i got...but wat else do ya'll c wrong wth these or r they good how they are


Well-Known Member
u deff need more light bro .im growen to dutchmen royal orange plants n i have 6 250w cfls n they work great.there about 5foot tall with about 6 ounces apeace right now n im still leten it be in flower stge for about another month n that would be 5 months of floweren so ill have about half pound per plnt


kool i'll put another 300 watt light in tomorrow but do they look healthy i know i have a gnat problem on the one on the right...


Active Member
As mentioned light may be the issue. But your plant does look decent but can be better. Is this an auto flowering strain? When did you change your light cycle from veg. to flowering, how many weeks.


I don't know wat starin they're i took'em from a buddy that need them gone asap but when i first brought them i just had a lil 125w light bulb for 2 weekd til i bought 300watt since i switched to the bigger light it's been 6 weeks...

josh b

Well-Known Member
Ok let's get to the good parts people?

There is alot of bud growth towards the top of the main cola and youre side branches are starting to show alot of buds sights.
Its stretched alot but i also think that this is a sativa plant which grows stupidly tall anyway,also you do not have enough light which is the main problem.
So what are the lights do you have wattage/red or blue spectrum and also details of the 1 you are adding thanks.


i took these in not expecting to so i just bought wat i can find at walmart this is light bilb i got right now

300 watt 120 volt PS35 Mogul Screw (E39) Base Clear Incandescent Light Bulb


Active Member
Thats your problem, why the HECK are you growing with incandescent.. I'm not sure on this but I believe that plants only use 10% of that energy rest is waste. Use CFL's they work a wonder!


Well-Known Member
you probably have some cfls around the house

i cant belive you got this much bud growing with incandescent light. +rep i didnt think it could be done


Well-Known Member
It can ideed be done, did it for years. It takes forever, thin, airy buds, tall, ugly, sort of like the OP's photos(sorry), but yeah, it can be done.
Get yourself a few decent wattage CFL bulbs, but make sure it's the true wattage, not the usage watt rating. There are some nice CFL's on the market now, and for small closet grows they do great. Also, get yourself a Y splitter for each socket you have and you easily double your lighting. That girl still has a lot of potential, and if you bombard her with good lighting now, I think you'll be amazed at what will happen. She's old and tall, but that means healthy, strong, and more than mature. Hit her with some good lights for another six weeks or so, and my money says you'll have something to brag about.


Active Member
if you want to use 300 watt bulbs go to lowes or home depot. They sell 300 watt CFL's. They are huge and work awesome for flowering. I'm also trying the shop lights that wal-mart sells for starting seedlings. The shop light is in the light isle and its only like 15 bucks. It uses T8 bulbs. Seems to be working good so far.

I think other people went over this already but im going to put in my 2 cents. Your branches on your plant are way too spaced out and that is because they stretched due to the lack of light. Had they had more light they would probably be bushy.


kool i'll pick some up this weekend the smaller bushier plant is some stinky shit every morning there's a nice smell that comes from the plant stinks up the whole room


Well-Known Member
Wow those are huge for regular lightbulbs.


Can't imagine what you'd get off a 1000w lol.