Heres to all the cry baby bitches on this forum


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[video=youtube;uRIyyUsDb4s][/video] I think a lot more people like the new stuff compaired to the 30 year old music., but to each of his own...........peace


Well-Known Member
DSB and Beardo...Iron Maiden is my favorite fuckin band...seen 'em live 7 times!'s not a racist


Well-Known Member

This video is better than any posted in this thread :)

Puttin' hos on timeout
lol curren$y showin' off his dead island skills.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Wait a second guys... Who is the racist..? or who is accusing dude of being racist? or what the fuck is this about? please somebody answer at least one of my questions...


Well-Known Member
it's about the ...WHA WHA WHAAAA...we hear here...if you accidentally explain something using the wrong words...your an RIU racist

...don't say, Mexican dirt weed,fuckin imigrants,stupid Arabs...things like this will cause the whinners to appear


Well-Known Member
The dirt weed annoys me more, but I haven't seen it in years....the illegals bother me only a little bit, and I see them everyday.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I had a Somalian guy trying to stare me down like I was in the wrong place lol Crazy Immigrants... And a bunch of arabs did that to me once too... while I was walking home a group of four Arab looking fellows stopped phlegming away to each other when I got close walking by and they all watched me walk on by in silence giving me the stink eye... They wouldn't even smile back to me and that hurt... :(


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hyjack and mean no disrespect but that song is so 1987 and if you not mind finding something newer that is more appropriate for the cry babies

I freaking love Guns n Roses. I don't even care what the thread's about, I love GnR... and Aerosmith ^^;

Shannon Alexander, that's sad! And you were trying to be nice too... Lol, old white ladies are almost shocked when I smile or hold the door open or something, but they usually appreciate it and smile back eventually. Well, good on you for being nice and offering 'an olive branch' anyway. Good karma <3 Them Arabs can just stay in their little meanie-hole :(


Well-Known Member

I freaking love Guns n Roses. I don't even care what the thread's about, I love GnR... and Aerosmith ^^;
You might be a lil to young to remember them song's being played over and over and over and over again on every radio station. was burnt out on them so bad that I can not stand em anymore. Each to there own and I will stick with all the newer stuff till it's played out. Somany new bands today that it does not get boring fast like it did back in the mid to late 80's when they only had 3 good songs on the radio


Well-Known Member


RIU Bulldog
Still can't hold your liquor I see, huh D?
Gettin drunk and jerking off to a girl online you've never met even though she thinks your creepy still?


Well-Known Member
You might be a lil to young to remember them song's being played over and over and over and over again on every radio station. was burnt out on them so bad that I can not stand em anymore. Each to there own and I will stick with all the newer stuff till it's played out. Somany new bands today that it does not get boring fast like it did back in the mid to late 80's when they only had 3 good songs on the radio
Fair enough ^^ to someone, new music is always going to be 'commercial trash' and old music is going to be 'overplayed' or vice versa ^^

I love Paradise City, Sweet Child of Mine (obviously, but I love the attention to detail in intonation, it's so emotional. When I listen to that song, I don't listen to it as 'the only GnR song that everyone knows a few words to', it's more than that to me :3) and their cover of Sympathy for the Devil. Axl's voice has so many dimensions to it, and he was DAMN SEXY.


Well-Known Member
Still can't hold your liquor I see, huh D?
Gettin drunk and jerking off to a girl online you've never met even though she thinks your creepy still?



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