Herm question.. Strawberry Cough Seeding, But No Pollen Sacks..


Well-Known Member
I have a Strawberry Cough female 5 weeks into flower and in the last week there have been calyxes producing seed, but after extensive searching for male flowers, I have found none.

Have hermaphrodites been known to seed with out being pollenated?

Thanks Everyone


Well-Known Member
pretty sure marijuana cannot seed without the proper pollen
I've never heard otherwise
I as well. It seems like a stupid question, I know. I just can't seem to find any pollen sacks and the other 4 girls in the same grow space have not shown signs of pollenation at all. Strange indeed.


Active Member
I as well. It seems like a stupid question, I know. I just can't seem to find any pollen sacks and the other 4 girls in the same grow space have not shown signs of pollenation at all. Strange indeed.
Well, be thankful none of your other girls have been knocked up. Id keep a close eye on them the next few weeks just to make sure. Were your seeds feminized by chance? These usually have a higher chance of going hermie. Also keep in mind hermie male flowers usually dont look like the typical pollen sacs on a male (balls), but rather they usually look like green bannanas that are growing on the bud. Heres a pic of it.


If your absolutely sure theres no chick with a dick in your grow area, then pollen may have came from your fresh air intake. It wouldnt be the first time this has happened to someone.


Well-Known Member
Thx everybody :D rrrep to all!
I've combed all of my plants and cannot find a single 'nanner. It seems like only one cola on the Strawberry Cough is producing seeds too. My Bubblelicious x2, LA Woman and Lemon Skunk are seed and banana free. Friggin' weird. I'll keep an even CLOSER eye on all the ladies from now on. Do hermies usually continue to pop out the green nanners continuously or have they been known to sprout 1 or 2 and then stop?
And to answer your question kysmoker they are all from femmed seed. I've had good experiences with them in the past and never had a hermie. This has scared the bejeezus out of me! Forgive my ignorance everyone. First hermie experiences are very distressing!!