Herman Cain dies from covid-19

Trump killed Herman Cain.
I mean it could have been motivated by compassion, only an idiot would go to Tulsa then and from the pictures and videos I saw of the event, the place was full of morons. Herman was a rich psycho, he knew the score and that it was all a con on the base, Herman is was a con man too, apparently not a very bright one and now a dead one, he met Donald and got overslimed.
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And there were 6200 other people there.

The odds are he isn't the only one.

And there's those other 150,000 people who didn't all have to die if they locked down when Fauci first suggested it the first couple days into March.
He was one of those who defended and upheld Trump and enabled him, he is as guilty as Trump. Republican politicians broke their oaths to protect and defend their citizens (hint, the constitution). They sold out and betrayed the innocent not by the individual but by the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands before it's over. They committed this crime against humanity because of their greed for power, money & fame, they sold out their states over the mere fear of a mean tweet. They sold their citizens lives out over their own imagined fears, manipulated and enthralled by a malicious psychopathic moron with an IQ of 78, who is both emotionally and socially retarded. That should tell you something about the kinds of people hatred and racism throw up (vomit) into power, those who would con and kill them by the thousands over nothing at all. Racism turns people into suckers and fools, they elect people like Louie Gohmert FFS. He is a prime example if there ever was one of such a politician, Gym Jordan is another, the more racist the district, the more likely they will elect people who will fuck them, and you!
And there were 6200 other people there.

The odds are he isn't the only one.

And there's those other 150,000 people who didn't all have to die if they locked down when Fauci first suggested it the first couple days into March.

when we locked down, that was the time to set up testing/tracing and he frittered that time away..he did nothing..the following week like as if by magic he deemed us ready to reopen 'by Easter' was his goal..we literally just shut down.

now he wants to finish putins bidding by sending our children to school so that he can complete paying back whatever it is he owes him by sacrificing them who will bring it home and infect everyone.

as we are finding out 75% of those who survive have heart issues now..i'm going to err on the side of safety and say treat this like the pandemic it is!
