Hermaphrodite plant?


Hey all, so i think i have a Hermie Plant. What do you think?


What i can do with my plant now? Trash it start again?

I have herd somewhere that it will still produce smokable bud but with Female seeds? If that is the case is it worth keeping just to harvest the seeds?

Thanks :)


New Member
That is a hermie no doubt. If that is your only plant, get the bud it makes and the seeds. If yu have other females, kill it before it pollinates them.


New Member
Also you could just chop off the pollen sacks as they keep growing back so no pollen comes.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
IMO...if it's your only plant, I would let be and harvest the seeds....it should be removed if you have other females....but is likely too late as the male flower appear well developed and may have already released pollen by now

edit: yes, i do believe the seeds it does produced will be female but the pot will be low quality (in terms of THC)


That is a hermie no doubt. If that is your only plant, get the bud it makes and the seeds. If yu have other females, kill it before it pollinates them.
It's my only plant, and it was from my last seed. So i guess i will have less bud, but free seeds :D

This is a whole new thing for me, so when do i know when to harvest it?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
It's my only plant, and it was from my last seed. So i guess i will have less bud, but free seeds :D

This is a whole new thing for me, so when do i know when to harvest it?
Hopefully someone like "Trousers" will see your post, as his knowledge base is excellent on this subject......but I hear you should allow the buds to ripen longer than normal....other words the trichromes will be mostly amber.

bottom line....the buds/THC will be low quality to allow the seeds to fully mature.....then you will be set up for a long time


yes, i do believe the seeds it does produced will be female but the pot will be low quality (in terms of THC)
I have just been doing some googleing and from i can find on forums is that the seeds from a hermie have a high chance of producing a hermie. and if as you say it will have a low THC content is it even worth keeping?

I can only grow 1 plant at a time (it is the legal limit in my country) given the time to grow i could be stuck wasting nutrients/electricity for not much of a pay out.

What's your thoughts?


New Member
To my knowledge the seeds will produce female plants with only a greater chance going hermie. Like the bud will be just as good as a normal plant but it has higher chances. Try and keep the stress low and that will help them not hermie. Also whats ur lighting?


To my knowledge the seeds will produce female plants with only a greater chance going hermie. Like the bud will be just as good as a normal plant but it has higher chances. Try and keep the stress low and that will help them not hermie. Also whats ur lighting?
Ah ok, so its worth while keeping the plant. It sucks having to drive to The Netherlands to get seeds. lol.

I am using a 125w CFL in a cupboard about 60cm x 40cm lined with mylar.


Well-Known Member
chop that thing its trash. don't even bother with the seeds from it because they will have a very high chance of hermi. time to start over


New Member
How tall is your plant? And yea since you only can grow 1 at a time. I would just kill it and start over. Get some dank seeds and pop like 3 or 4 and when you start to see sex keep the strongest plant and trash the others so its legal


Well-Known Member
Feminized seeds are not more likely to "hermie" than regular seeds. That is a HUGE MYTH.

It is important to understand what kind of plant we are dealing with if you plan on keeping it.

Is it from seed?
Bag seed?
Regular seed?
Feminized seed?

In my opinion, the OP looks like a monoecious hermaphrodite. That means that it was female (XX) but due to some factors, most likely environmental stress, it produced male flowers. If it were a real hermaphrodite, a dioecious hermaphrodite, it would have male flowers growing among female flowers. Dioecious hermaphrodites are somewhat rare when dealing with reputable seed banks.

I might not be seeing it correctly though.

Assuming that it did start out as a female and then produced male flowers, the resulting seeds will be feminized seeds.

These seeds will be very similar to the plant you are growing now. What ever happened to make your plant produce male flowers, the same thing will happen with the plants from the resulting seeds.

If you grew this plant in a good environment and it produced male flowers, I would toss it and get a different variety.
If you fucked this plant with a crap environment (any comb of heat/overfeeding/underfeeding/deficiencies/light too close/not enough light...)
the it might be worth your time to keep it.

If you do keep it, start picking off a bunch of the male flowers, the balls on sticks. (If it has trichomes, it is a female part, if it is a ball on a stick, that is male).

I'm pretty sure some have opened, so you are going to get seeds. If you see white pistils turn color quickly, they have probably been pollinated.

You could try to keep picking off the balls and let it go. You'll get seedy weed, but the seeds will be feminized.
You need to fix what ever caused the plant to turn, or it is just going to keep putting out male flowers.
There is also some sort of reverse spray that I know nothing about. Dutch something?


It is important to understand what kind of plant we are dealing with if you plan on keeping it.

Is it from seed?
Bag seed?
Regular seed?
Feminized seed?
I used Sliver Haze feminized seeds

If you grew this plant in a good environment and it produced male flowers, I would toss it and get a different variety.
If you fucked this plant with a crap environment (any comb of heat/overfeeding/underfeeding/deficiencies/light too close/not enough light...)
the it might be worth your time to keep it.
There was a about 1 - 1/2 week period where i didn't water it, I was busy :( when i got to it it looked almost dead! but i gave it some water with nutrients and it came back to life looking better than before, well once i removed a few dead leaves.

If you do keep it, start picking off a bunch of the male flowers, the balls on sticks. (If it has trichomes, it is a female part, if it is a ball on a stick, that is male).
So any branch with balls and no pistils chop it off and any balls next to pistils pluck them off?


Well-Known Member
Since it was feminized and obviously stressed, then keeping it is not a bad idea at all. To lessen the amount of seeds remove the male flowers.
any seeds you get will be feminized.