Hermaphrodite plants?


Are they bad?
Is there a difference between a hermaphrodite's bud and a normal pollenated bud's smoke?


It depends on what stage the plant tuned hermaphrodite. A plant can turn hermy late in flowering and pollinate very little. It just depends. Pollinated buds are pollinated buds whether its from a hermy plant or a rouge male plant. nobody likes it.


New Member
hermy plants just pollinate themselves and create seed instead of buds...so they are all bad anyway u look at it...but like the person above me said if they turn hermie l8 u prob dont have to worry bout it to much as long as they are already flowering. all its gonna do is give u more seed and mayb lower the quality of ur buds i say...im not expert on the matter but thats my opinion


I was asking because I was curious what would happen to a Autoflowering Hermaphrodite that was guerrilla grown and forgot about.
Would it just keep seeding and spreading?


New Member
im not sure man...well hafta wait from some more feedback from others iv never tried anything like that...so i couldnt accurately tell u.


I don't think so. Marijuana is pretty hardy. I believe Indicas are resistant to cold weather.


New Member
i dn man u dont want them to be in cold to early in their life span...i mean if ur already in flowering u might b okay to have them out in the cold but technically if ur gonna grow plants outside in general in the ideal conditions they wouldnt ever be in weather that is cold...id say ideal temp would b from 65-80 F


Well Ive never seen wild pot fields in North America But I guess anythings possible. Ive heard of wild hemp in the mid west but in Hawaii Ive seen patches of herb that were self sustaining.


I want to do this to better understand the genetics of cannabis. Not to make money from a harvest. I don't care if I lose a little money for the seeds. I'm just very curious.



New Member
i gotcha i mean if u already have them just try to flower them..but if u just asking in general. they are not good plants to have lol


New Member
id say the thc content wouldnt b good and instead of thc being produced it would be more seed....i mean its basically like growing a male with a female for the whole life span of the plant....so the male side of it is pollinating the female side of it creating seed instead of growing buds..im not saying that if u have one u should kill it...i would just keep it seperate flower it and get rid of it after...i mean any bud is better than no bud lol


Active Member
Are they bad?
Is there a difference between a hermaphrodite's bud and a normal pollenated bud's smoke?
Hermaphrodites can be forced back into a "female" state, if you want to do the work: you will have to wait til around 7-14 days of budding (not just flowering 12/12 for 10 days) but actual blooming. then keep checking under the buds for the testies and cut them off. YOU HAVE TO BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL!!! I recommend moving the plant out of the room during this, use sharp, pointed scissor, i use those fingernail manicuring scissors, they are very sharp and small, and pointy. These "testies" i refer to look like little seed pods and will usually be slightly or noticeably yellower than the actual flower buds. At this stage, their pollen count is not very high, or viable, so this is the best time to cut them off. If you get to them after they've been there for 2-3 days, the pods may have opened up, revealing banana-like pollen sacs, (filled with pollen!) these u must be really careful with. DO NOT PINCH THEM AT ALL. At this point, I recommend covering the rest of the flowers with sandwich bag corners, and with the utmost care and surgical precision, slice the bananas off completely at the stem, even go into the stem at the base of the flowers a little to avoid cutting the bananas at all. Hold a piece of paper under them, as close as you can get it to the pods, to catch them as they are released. Then carefully take those bastards to the toilet and flush them down.

The pods should not return, until the next flowering cycle that is, if u plan to keep it. But I also recommend checking (daily) every other flower that you did not pull bananas from, because they may or may not form on every flower. Once the plant is 2 weeks from harvest, u can stop checking b/c it will be too late for any seeds to form.

If you do get seeds from a hermie, they will either be feminized or hermies, 50/50 chance, i think...

If you catch them really early, the plant seems to stop producing them on the newer flowers that form :smile: One of my strongest, fastest growing, and most dense plants ever was a hermie. I got a dry ounce off of it, in less than 3 months time. That includes from seedling through curing! So don't lose hope, it just takes some extra TLC.


Active Member
I was asking because I was curious what would happen to a Autoflowering Hermaphrodite that was guerrilla grown and forgot about.
Would it just keep seeding and spreading?

yes, if conditions are right for the seeds to plant themselves. the more energy the plant has to use to make seeds (which is a lot) the less it has to put toward the actual flower buds, some 2nd and third generation hermies r genetically "ready" for this and produce thicker, larger flowers, faster than a plain ol' female plants. you'd be suprised, but they can and will pollinate every other female around at the same time, leaving you with nothing but hermies, that's the main concern.


Active Member
I've read (in a couple spots) that seeds from a hermie are always female. Not sure if it's true because, if it was, it would be an easy way to feminize seeds.



i would very much like to know that to? i got like 3 hermies goin that started showing seeds 6 1/2 weeks into budding am fine since im already pretty far in?