hermaphrodite problem


Well-Known Member
Ok, I admit, I'm a newbie but I've done a lot of studying. I went to a grow class that a local farmacy put on after I was well into flowering with 4 OG Kush plants and 2 super silver haze clones that I got at the Hollywood farmacy. The 2 ssh clones were twins. Beautiful and big. After vegging for 3 weeks they really seamed ready so I put one of them in 12/12 for flowering. She was in there for 5 weeks. Had a super growth spurt in fact I had to bend her because she was getting to close to the sodium light. After 6 weeks, I decided to put her in with her sister. Now they've both been in there for another 3 weeks. The one that I put in there second got bushy and the leaves looked more like a cross between the Kush and the SSH but the flowers were looking good. Yesterday after 4 weeks I noticed that the second one had gone hermie on me. I wasn't checking because that seemed impossible. I immediately took it out of the room, put on some gloves, got a razor blade and performed a sex change operation. This morning I saw that there were more so I gave up and cut it down. My questions are:
#1. Why did it go hermie. Same conditions in fact it had more veggie time which should have been a good thing.
#2. How worried should I be about pollen?
#3. Should I hang and smoke the flowers on the hermie plant?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give this newbie. I've worked really hard and this is discouraging.


Well-Known Member
Anyone? I've been researching since yesterday and can't get any good answers. I even went into the farmacy and asked and they didn't have anything.


Active Member
Well I know hermies can be made if the plants were stressed enough, maybe genetics from the mother plant could have caused it but if you got it from a dispensary then I would assume they would make sure that wasn't the case. As for the pollen I'm not sure about but I know you can smoke the hermie buds, sorry to hear about that and good luck with the other plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. The thing is, they had the exact same conditions. I think I shouldn't have different strains in the flower room.
I should have taken pictures but I was so surprised when I saw the seeds that I just started cutting them off as fast as I could and flushed them down the toilet!

What can I say? Girls get emotional! I loved that bitch!


Well-Known Member
Shit happens, either they hermied from stress or genitics no one gets aces all the time.
Hope fully your next batch o beans will do you right and sprout females. It happens to all of us. Good luck on your next grow.


Active Member
even a minor disruption in the light period is enough to stress a female into self pollination. I never remove hermies, expert commercial growers recommend it, but I flower them out and the seeds that are harvest are used for future grows. I have used over 200 hermie seeds and the resulting crops were 99% female and produced killer buds, I cannot supply enough product for my buyers.


Well-Known Member
So do you take them into a different room? Don't they pollenate the other plants? Should I keep just one strain in the 12/12 room?


Active Member
I have 7 female plants, only one of which became a hermaphrodite. I took it out of the room and put it in solitary confinement at 12/12 lighting. I'll keep it an harvest the seeds...and smoke the rest! It had the best blooms of the batch so I can't let it go to waste.


Active Member
I keep it in the main grow space, the viable pollen seems to only hit the lower smaller bud sites anyway, it's not like your whole patch will create thousands of seeds, your bigger bud sites and colas should remain safe.


Well-Known Member
Good thoughts pjg. My new years resolution this year is "waste not, have lots". I wish I would have let it grow. Another weird thing about it is the sister had typical sativa leaves and her leaves turned more like the OG Kush that is in the same room.


Well-Known Member
It could be due to light leaks. I put my plants in a new grow box last week, Two days ago I noticed some seeds forming on 3 or so of the lower budsites. I attribute this to being careless and not properly sealing the grow box.


Well-Known Member
I keep thinking that there would be light leeks in nature too but I guess we're pushing nature here. Do you really think a light leak would do this? I mean there were 6 big females in there. This one was the youngest. Same conditions.


Well-Known Member
It's the only thing I can think of, I examined the rest of the plant and see no nanners or any other seeded sites. The seeds are just starting to form, and I moved them into the box 7 days ago. I can't think of anything else!


Well-Known Member
ok, I just checked on the older clone (super silver haze) and there are these single ball like things at the bottom of the nodes. I haven't seen them there before. There's a hair coming out of it. There's one on almost every node. The buds are developing nicely. The branches are around 16 inches long and full of buds. I think there are around 12 large branch/buds. Is this turning hermie on me too?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
HYDROCHRIS so your saying you got mostly females from self-pollinated seeds? if so this is very good news for me because i have self pollinated seeds from abusive og kush king og kush and master kush/og kush cross. the first two are clones usually. so i will sprout these herm seeds and see how it goes i would love to use them for breeding. any advice when working with these type of seeds?:peace:


Active Member
You could pick the pollen sacs before they open. It's a hassle but at lease you will minimize or even eliminate seeds.


Well-Known Member
Seeds aint all bad if you can limit the amount seeds per bud that you let get fertle. But
good luck doing that?????