Hermaphrodite what to do?

Thank you all for that, I have my other plant here aswell that I’m almost certain is a male with how it’s growing and whats forming on the plant. Can anyone give me a definite answer as yet again I’m still not 100% sure
Nope, the abundance of pistils (white hairs) and calyxes indicates this is also a female. However, I think the weird growth pattern you’re seeing may be due to insufficient light. It looks super stretched out like it’s desperately searching for light.

Please note the appearance of my male flowers that I posted above — not a single pistil. That’s a pretty surefire sign of a male.
I've been out of the game for awhile.. but those look female to me. Really weird growth patterns tho and spacing, like some Dr grinspoon. What light are you using ?
Thank you for this information has brought my spirits back to life knowing I have 2 females now ahahaha, unfortunately you are right about the light intensity as I only have very poor lights at the moment due to waiting for more. Once they arrive and I’m able to give the plants the conditions they need I hope they will start to look a bit better. Any suggestions on what to do to help them get a bit healthier?
Wait a min..............Waht strain is that? There is a strain that looks just like that when it grows.
I can not remeber it yet but I will.
Barneys Farm Dr Grinspoon Looks similar
See the source image
Have no clue what strain as I was given 2 random seeds from a friend, just have never really seen females grow like this before. Therefor I’ve always done outdoor grows and this is my first indoor grow. Have disrupted the light schedule once to move plants for a couple days and I think that’s whats made them go this way. Yet again not 100% sure
That does somewhat look how it’s growing too, have never ever seen a strain which bud forms like that though, very interesting. If this is the case it would explain why I thought the plant was male with it growing so strangely for me
Thank you for this information has brought my spirits back to life knowing I have 2 females now ahahaha, unfortunately you are right about the light intensity as I only have very poor lights at the moment due to waiting for more. Once they arrive and I’m able to give the plants the conditions they need I hope they will start to look a bit better. Any suggestions on what to do to help them get a bit healthier?
Hurry with those lights because you’re losing yield each day with weak light.
It seems to be a combination of that and just stretching for the light. With all due respect to the OP, start some more seeds when you get better lights. You’ll be able to pull a few joints from this one but don’t set your expectations high.

Sorry if I come off like a dick but I don’t think it’s doing folks any favors to sugar foot around the facts and then let them ruin another crop. Those plants are starved for light. Now the OP knows and is better for it.
Na I totally agree with you your 100% right, that was also the plan as I’m waiting for true femizied seeds too arrive with my lights so this was just a run with some random seeds I was given. All along I thought they were males so for you telling me that’s indeed a female is any bonus to me even though the yield might be next to nothing. Thanks for all your guys help anyway
I had one recently that started popping males flowers. It was kinda odd and first time I've seen it, but about 2 to 3 weeks after flipping to 12/12 it started growing a single male flower underneath each branch that came off the main stem. I just plucked them off and kept a close eye on it. I missed one and it opened, but I haven't seen any signs of seeds from it. Here it is at day 55 of 12/12 and no more signs of male flowers.


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