

Hermi's can be very sneaky. I found that they
1) Are aggressive growers,
2) thick stocks and stems (overly thick)
3) If you remove a bud (even small one's) and peel back the leaves at the bottom of the bud you may
observe small swollen sacks ( I presume they are full of pollen) and over-sized seed pods (immature)
4) Peeling back the leaves at the bottom of the bud again, you may also see flowers-(small white --
male flowers)
5) Hermi's are easy to detect in mature states when the buds go to hell, losing all integrity, if you have
let one go that long, know that one pollen sac (flower) can pollinate an entire room of females.
6) I also believe they can be "created" by over-"FIM"ing. The stress just may cause them to turn into hermi's.
Once turned hermi, it's time to make them "come out" of the closet.
I lost an entire room after noticing a straggly bud, it was tall and very thin. (not compact) After removing that bud under close (40X pocket micro) inspection, I noticed swollen pollen sacs under the bottom leaves of the bud, as I removed more buds the same sac's were found (but hidden very well)
Perhaps I wasn't observant enough but I don't have a lot of plants and I did watch them develop trichomes (a lot of them) and appear to be like female buds. I believe this process happened very quickly and my only clue was the deteriorating buds. A fellow rollitup person queued me into stress and
I believe if plants can be stressed into turning then over-FIM'ing is the most likely candidate in my case.
Stress can also come from leaving plants in small pots too long, or too much fert's, cold, heat, not enough light
or light exposure during necessary dark periods (12-12 ect.). What ever it was it was a total nuking of my parade.