Hermed killawatt??!


Active Member
Hiya guys, wondered if anyone can help. Have put my killawatt into flower a week ago and have started to worry it may have hermed cos I topped it. Starting to get preflowers but no hairs?? Should I worry or is it too early to tell? Bought as guaranteed female seed. :s


Active Member
I don't see anything wrong with them just yet,most strains wouldn't be showing pistils this early anyway.
Don't worry............yet lol


Active Member
Can't you get a closer pic?because from where im sitting,it just looks like forming buds and pistils.
Go closer,and click full image.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Just seen your second post,got a closer look from that one.
I see the sack you are looking at now,but to be honest,im not sure
Maybe someone else could shed some light on tell tale signs of an early Hermie,but personally,I think your fine.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
It's deff a hermie and that sack is pretty big if you want to keep it you have to pull all the sack off everyday( paaaain in the ass IMO!) unless it starts to hermie later on in flower. If there on big ball then I'm sure there are lots more. That ball is on the main stem so I'm calling it genetics. If it were stress it would most likely only effect the smaller bottom branches. No scientific evidence just my findings! Get rid of it and contact the company and state that your souvenir was not of acceptable quality and did not match the description on the web page you ordered from. Hope you didn't spend a bunch on them.