Hermed out? Auto seeds auto 1


Active Member
Pistils shooting out the top. Two nodes down looks to be a ball. Maybe a calyx that hasn't pushed a hair out yet but I'm thinking its a pollen pod. Hoping I'm wrong. One mode above appeared almost the same thing but opened and a shiny ball inside with three white hairs poking out. Could this be? Very tiny. Started in a one by one by one subwoofer on 12/12. I know autos don't prefer this lighting schedule but it is what it is! Can anyone tell. Pics are shit.



Active Member
Thanks man but right now I can't get a better pic. Possibly tomorrow. Most sacs develop in clusters correct? I may just have to keep an eye on it which is what I would do anyway without clarification from other parties. I'm only gonna get an eighth or less from this lady but don't really want pollination. Always something.
