Hermi--can it be smoked


Active Member
Okay i have a friend in which is growing a single plant as I am. While talking and sharing grow tips and seeing how each others plants were doing we came up with a big debate between the two of us.

My friend tells me that if a plant herms out that it is smoked as stress...I do not believe this, i thought stress was just a poor genetic strand... Can anyone tell us who's right.


Well-Known Member
man not to be rude but the fuck are you talkin about?? All ik is shit hermis from bad genetics and or if a plant is stressed


Active Member
A plant can be hermi by both genetics and stress you're both right, and yes you can smoke a hermi, you can smoke a male, hell you can go outside and smoke the weeds in your yard if you want.


Active Member
A hermi plant that pollinates itself will only put out hermi seeds, most of the reason there are seeds in bags of weed you buy off the street. And for fucking up any one aspect of the grow be it light deprivation, root shock through PH flux, external pressure, bad climate can also force a plant to think "oh shit I'm gonna die I better to something desperate," and bring out the hermi trait. A hermi can even be useful a female pollinated by a different hermis male parts will only put out feminized and hermi seeds.