hermi help with pics please help + rep


I am about 61 days into flowering and a few weeks ago i seen that my one plant has started to make sacks not on the whole plant just a few areas. my fan is farly close to the one plant. could i have stressed it into a hermi? and if it is should i take it out. Will a hermi mess with my other plants? it is a sativa "i think" and still have a bit to go. well with what i have heared. i am useing a mico scope 60-100x to find the right time to harvest. and from what i can see all the trics are still clear. please help!!!!!:wall:


Never Was

:roll: Pollen from a hermie plant will pollinate your female plants. If you do not want them to have seeds, remove the hermie! Also, it is important to note that seeds from a hermie will all/mostly produce female plants...So, if you want seeds for next year of the same strain, it might be worth the effort of relocating the hermie to another area where it can finish without fertilizing your other plants. I hope this helps and that you have a bountiful harvest! :weed:


Well-Known Member
im realy not seeing much from those pictures, but if it was a female and now has balls its a hermi. if the fan was too close to this one plant or the fan was too strong it could have caused this. another posibility would be a light leak....


so should i take it down? what will be the worst case? i dont care if the others have seed just dont want them to be really seedy


Well-Known Member
if weather and location permits you could just put it outside for its last 2 weeks of so. or you could do a surgery and cut off all the balls, this might be dangerous though


I just cut off the male parts it might still pollinate your other plants tho but I don't know my grow isn't done yet. Just try to get them before they open.