Hermi or am I wrong !????


Take a look at these pics it's in xj13 week 8 flower and I just saw these little green balls growing and they look like really immature seeds . Want to make sure before I chop down for the wrong feeling :sad::leaf: Even saw a banana type male leave on tip of bud



Well-Known Member
hard telling for me, calyx's look really large wich would indicate a seed in them, generally the calyx will split open and you can actually see the seed. if you squeeze one of them the seed should pop out if theres one in there if not it will be hollow.

if there is a seed then yes something hermied in your garden..but looks decent though should be alright smoke.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
Check them and make sure there are no seeds. You might have a hermie in your garden. If there is no seeds, then it might just be the calyx swelling up getting ready to push out some more pistils. I have seen some flowers do this. The calyx swells up, and pushes out more pistils, usually in the last phase of the flowering cycle.


There are a few green balls growing if u see the pic I will post another but I hope it is just clays swelling I have started to flush today they are 8.5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Its a herm.
That is a male flower.
You can spray it with water
and cut it off.
Just keep plucking them as they appear.
No sense wasting the plant.
Of course its up to you.
What your calling seeds may be more flowers appearing.

If the pollen has already flown in that room you may get some to a bunch of seeds on your other flowers.

Mist that flower with water.
carefully remove that flower
no fans on at the time.
Mist the area again when your done.
Make sure its dry before lights out

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.


Well-Known Member
the one pic is surely a nanner but the first ones you showed just seem like swollen calyx. I have a tw x that has some that look like giant peas