Hermi or female?


Active Member
I'm living close to the equator and have a few sativas growing outdoors. One is just about finished. It has been flowering for a bit more than 13 weeks, and it is clearly female. As for the two others, I'm not so sure. They were planted, if I recall correctly, a few weeks before the one that is nearly finished. They look like females, but they don't appear to be close to being finished. They also might be hermies, but I'm not sure about that either. The seeds came from a bag of herb I bought here. I'll attach some photos. Any feedback would be great.



Active Member
One of the plants showed white pistils about 13 weeks ago, the other plant started showing white pistils maybe about 10 weeks ago.

I don't see any seeds developing, so as far as I know there are no clear signs these plants are hermis.

I have read that some sativas can take up to 20 weeks to flower. Well, the days will continue to become a bit shorter over the next 3 months, so if they are female they have time to fill out.

I should add that it seems like only over the past couple weeks the plants have stopped growing. They were still growing new branches (with white pistils) up until about two weeks ago, but the growing has seemingly stopped.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
do you know the strain? some sativas have a habit of herming out like Thai...yurs seem so far away tho for wk13 ....i dunno about the equator areas, but i know here some sativas will flower into December / Januaury