hermi? or weird node?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I can see the two hairs, female. But hermies can be sneaky. If using fem seeds be sure to look away from the main stem as well up the branches, those hermie sacs can begin almost anywhere on a branch. I always do a full inspection about 1 week after first white pistils and again a few weeks later by putting the plant on a table so you are about waist or stomach level to your pot. Hermies are easier to spot, at least for me, by looking up at my plant from below. I continue to look for them during waterings and ect but out of the 80 or so plants I've done on my own from seed to harvest only three have hermied on me. First was interrupted light in flower I assume, a white rhino. By my second and third I had mastered my rooms environment so I assume both were from genetics, a black widow and a freebie seed, I think it was called blue strawberry.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
yeah she's cold at night 60-67 or so.....she'll make it
That's not cold at all. You can get down to 60 at night without issue, 65 is safe. As long as your day temps are not exceeding 83 or so. You want a 6-16 degree difference from day and night especially in flower.