Hermi plant.


Active Member
hey everyone i got a Hermi plant i think will post some picks when i get new phone but was wondering if it is should i pick the ball sacks out or just leave them and will picking them out effect yield. Its my first one so gonna keep it and its 8 weeks into grow and 2 weeks in flower there's pistils everywhere so at least ill get some bud right?

Le pic

Active Member
no , you cant keep up with thoses balls sacks, If the plant was in 7-8 weeks into flowering maybe, but 2 weeks..no


Active Member
I just had my first hermi....2 weeks from finishing....I was quicker to the scissors than I was to the camera....I chopped....shoulda just cut its nuts off


New Member
Are they round or pear shaped? Do they have 2 hairs comming out of them? If pear shaped with the hairs, those are calyx.