Hermi - pls help!!! 911


Active Member
No, I don't think that one is a hermie. Those look like all-female parts to me. Those 2 hairs coming out are the pistils, they are a good way to determine that it is female. Male flowers do not have any hairs. Here's a little diagram, the male flowers on the top row and the female flowers on the bottom row.

View attachment 968311

Those are the female preflowers, called calyxes. A bud is just a whole bunch of calyxes all growing right together, with some small leaves as well. No need to cut them off, they are a good thing. :)
DOUBLE YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all your help bro!! You made my night, day, week, month!!!! lol


Active Member
In the future, you shouldn't hijack other people's threads like that, you should make a new thread if you have a different topic to discuss. It helps us stoner plant docs keep straight what the problem is that we're dealing with. :D

But for now, don't make another thread about it, you can buy yellow sticky card traps to get the adults. They are attracted to the color yellow and will get stuck to the card and die without using poisons. For the larvae, which are in the soil eating at your roots, you can make a mixture of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and correctly pH'd water. Try using 1 part Hydrogen peroxide mixed with 3 parts pH'd water. Water the plant with this mixture and the HP should kill the larvae. You can also put a slice of peeled potato on the top of the soil, then come back later to check it. The potato attracts the larva up to it, where you can see them and pick them out.
If the dreaded bannanas show up when do they present themselves? How many weeks into flower?


Well-Known Member
I don't think they have a set time when they show up, it depends on whether the hermie was caused by genetics or light leaks for one. If it was just light leak then you won't get any more hermies as long as you make sure you don't have any more light leaks. If it is genetic then all, none, or some of that strain could also become hermies. The couple times I have had hermies, it happened late in the flowering phase, but I think it can happen early on as well.