Hermi question/help


Well-Known Member
So im 6 weeks into flower 3 girls and when I checked them today 1 is showing signs of what I think is male flower.

So i checked some pics and looks like its hermi.

My question is, what to do? Pull? remove the male parts?

Any help is a plus thanks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont like seeds, so I'm gonna pull it, found it before any pods opend that I can tell so I hope my other 2 will be just fine. They still have another 2-4 weeks left.



Well-Known Member
If the pollen sacks are still closed and it is a 8 week strain then i would just roll with it.But i would check them every day if there hermis pull the male sacks of but was your hands before touching any uneffected plants.I would not normaly say leave them in but so far into a grow the damage will already be done so do your best to keep pollen down to a min.


Well-Known Member
They where pretty small and an off color off yellow, looked fully closed still.

It is an eight week type so im thinking if i keep a close eye on it I should be cool, first reaction is to just pull it and cut the lose.

Thanks for the advise. Will keep you updated.