On bagseed, your chances of growing a herm are very high due to the fact that contemporary cannabis is incredibly hybridized. Despite anything else, you'll noticed that the pungent, resin'ee odor will start to diminish as it diverts energy to seed production rather than bud production. The pistils (or hairs) will turn red from the base up, instead of from the tips in. That means pollination has occurred.
The little 'thing' you were highlighting in your third photo is not a male part. It's called a Bract, although people almost always mistakenly call it a calyx. The calyx, is however, inside the bract. A little cannabis nomenclature for your reading pleasure.
I would say, expect it to turn on you, simply because it's bagseed. And that seed was formed through some type of stress or other genetic predisposition. Consider this: Corn farmers have to buy seed corn every spring. Why don't they just keep some of the corn they grew? It is, after all, corn seed. Well, it's the cross of the two plants that makes that corn grow a certain way, and yeild and resist and so forth. But the seeds IT creates is not a duplicate of itself. Cannabis behaves, genetically, the same way.
Someone else here mentioned other herm problems with seeds they've purchased. There's plenty of 'pollen chuckers' in cannabis, too. That's why you buy into strains that sound great, you love the company logo and brag about how fast you got your junk beans, but when rubber meets the road and you've chopped your plants down 5 weeks into budding and lost more than just the money you paid for shit beans. Time. You lost Time.