Hermi Question

Killer Sativa

Well-Known Member
If a Female plant gets stressed and turns to the Herm :) .... the any seeds that is produced whether it was the hermaphrodite or a true female that was pollinated will have the Hermaphrodite gene..... correct? :confused:


Well-Known Member
when a plant gets stressed and becomes a hermi, it will polinate itself. and these seeds will be ~90% female and will be a clone practically of its parent, but there is a major downfall to these seeds, they will be more susceptible to becoming a Hermi. for example say your power goes out and your light schedual get messed up... these seeds will hermie on you so fast! feminized seeds are made from hermie plants fyi. feminized seeds will most defiantly always hermie outdoors. in fact they will hermie unless you are growing under near perfect conditions like indoor, thats why feminized seeds say they are only suited for indoor use.


Well-Known Member
and that is why i dont buy those expensive hermie :cough: :cough:, i mean feminized seeds
your completely wrong mate.fem seeds from reputable breeders are very stable.fem seeds herming is not as common as you think.also plants from reg seeds can be just as prone to herming.
many ppl have grown nothing but fems for many many years and had 0 herms.some just 1 or 2 herms.but if you just grew regs you would probably get 1 or 2 herms too.
some ppl even keep fems as mothers for years with no problems.
if fems were herms as you seem to think they are,theyd be less popular by now,not more.
i used to think like you untill i actually decided to grow some myself.ive had 0 herms growing fems so far.i have had a fem from a reg seed herm on me once tho.