

Well-Known Member
hey yall ive got 1 plant that has me stumped. i topped all my plants and all seem fine. but now 3 weeks later i think ive got a hermi. the prob with this is that 1/2 the plant looks hermi and the other 1/2 is female. where i topped it it has 2 stems growing str8 up now. 1 stem has a ton of white hairs and what looks like that start of buds, the other stem has almost no hairs and a bunch of yellowish flower looking things. my question is it possibe to have a plant with 2 stems have 1 hermi stem and the other female?i took some pics but my cam is crappy but maybe yall can make out what im saying.
pic 1 is of the main flower on the hermi lookin stem
pic 2 is of it with the other plants
pic 3 is of the 2 stems from that odd plant



Well-Known Member
those definitely look like flowers to me.... if u think its hermie chop the male parts n leave the female parts to flower if u think its worth it. but thats just my opinion im not the most dependable person on these forums.