**Hermie Info Needed**


Active Member
Hey guys so I have 3 Hermie beauties and they mostly female for sure! huge hairy buds. Every once and while i come across a few balls and nanners and i have been verry good about clean up. My Question is for those with experience in Hermies and Seed Producers. As long as i keep rubbing the balls and cutting the nanners off will this reduce the ammount of seeds my plant produces? Or if a plant is pollinated is the whole plant going to push out seeds. And on average how many seeds does a plant produce? Or does this usually depend on genetics and growing conditions. I check my plants thouroghly everyday for about 20 mins and I see new nanners and balls maybe every other week. thx -DanView attachment 2094251View attachment 2094252photo(52).jpgView attachment 2094254View attachment 2094255photo(60).jpgView attachment 2094257


Well-Known Member
i have done the ball trimming dance with a hermie or 2
it may reduce your seed 'burden', i think it depends on how quick the balls pop on the plant you have
also, the air flow may make a difference, faster flow - more pollen moved through chamber
i have found that spraying the balls with water helps a lot in keeping the damage down, wet pollen dies fast
but too much water is a mold risk


Well-Known Member
Dude,why n the hell are you letting those nasty ass hermie bastards contaminate the livin shit out of your grow area ? You do realize that pollen will collect in nooks & crannys of your equipment & thru the entire grow area ? Being that pollen will remain viable for 6 months or better your taking hella chances with future grows being pollinated with the hermie pollen from this grow.

Why are you trying so hard to save plants that by all rights shoulda been eleminated as soon as they were discovered to be hermaphrodites ?


Active Member
Panhead. You have no right to say anthing you just said, at least with that attitude. I for one just moved to a new city and i dont know anyone i can get bud from.. So im sticking it out so that i have bud to smoke. tell me that under my curcumstances you wouldnt do the same thing. I made this thread for a question that needed answering. if you dont want to answer then just dont say anything. belivie it or not there are alot of people that grow hermies. sorry. i dont want to be a dick but you where when you bashed my grow. i am aware of the dangers of pollen and you could have provided that info without making me look/feel like an idiot. I can bleach my grow area and equiptment after my grow op/ like anyone should do eitherway. thankyou for your input but next time please be nice about it. for real man, we all on the same side here.

John Jacob

Active Member
I think he was just stressing how well you need to clean and the likely hood of continuing to get seeds in your bud in future grows..

Anyway I've been in your shoes, I very carefully kept snipping the pods off by there little stems to avoid them from popping. I never found any seeds in mine only a couple of bananas when breaking up the buds. I can remember 3 bananas outta the whole 3oz yield from some good bagseed.. so stay on top of it and you should be fine he/she looks 90% female so should be a decent smoke


Well-Known Member
Hey, I wouldn't be rubbing those nutsacks if I were u. Try the product by Dutchmaster called Reverse...it takes care of the pollen sacks for u. I've seen herms with very little seed and with a shit load so I wouldn't chance it by just pulling the nuts off. The best bud I ever didn't inhale had very little seed in it and I'm totally against not inhaling anything with seed. Try the Reverse and u won't be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
im so confused with this post.
Hey, I wouldn't be rubbing those nutsacks if I were u. Try the product by Dutchmaster called Reverse...it takes care of the pollen sacks for u. I've seen herms with very little seed and with a shit load so I wouldn't chance it by just pulling the nuts off. The best bud I ever didn't inhale had very little seed in it and I'm totally against not inhaling anything with seed. Try the Reverse and u won't be disappointed.