Hermie Issues & Questions


Hello, I'm noticing that there are what appears to be young seeds on my buds. These are mostly all clones from a female so I guess they have gone hermie from some light leaking in etc?

The room is blocked off from all light ( i have a closet as in my sig link) but there maybe be a tiny filtered bit of light come from the partition next to it where it is on 24.7 vegging mother plant.

So my questions are, can I reverse them back to full female?

Would blocking the light leak fix it or could it be from something else like PH levels etc?

The other thing is I would actually like some seeds as I have none and I can't order any for various reasons. So could I get some seed from these and use them to produce females in the future?


I tracked the light source coming in and covered it. Will this turn the plants back to full female?


Well-Known Member
From somewhat limited experience, I have seen a couple different types of Hermaphroditic plants. One is a true Hermaphrodite and then there is a type called "intersexed". The latter usually shows Him/Her self after it has been flowering for a while (see pic below) look for the "nanners" (bananas). From what I've read in my many hours of research, you can't change a "Hermi" back to normal plant growth. Typically, if it's a hermi, just carefully cut off the ball sacks as they appear and grow to fruition. The pics below are of my first grow and I was told it is an intersexed plant. I just let it grow through flower and harvested and smoked as normal.m Not bad at all. To susinctly answer your question, again, no, you can't revert them back, you can just use them as best you can. Good luck, and if you can post good quality, up close pictures, I and others can give you better input. Oh, and yes, the light creeping in is most likely the culprit, but don't leave out the stress (typical cause) as a possibility of the cause as well and it could be from nute-stress.

Good luck, and don't worry, everyone here wants to help, they just have to wake up first...LOL:bigjoint:



so i posted a couple things about my girls thinking one might be hermi, but now im not so sure, ill try to post to a pic, but not sure how to post one, but anyways-- the weird thing is that they all look great but then there a little football looking thing that sticken strait out that doesnt have a hair comeing out of it just a hair under it, , it a little more green then the other ones and doesnt have crystals one it, ive been taken them off as i see them but i want to make sure that im not plucken buds, but i wangt to make sure that im not taken flower thinking there sacks, but there perfic flowers on all of them them so i know there not males. any advise would help or some pic so i can compare, it not a cluster of sack just one stick up instead out outward and no hair comeing of of it.


How much light was it? like a pin prick, or could you see your hand in the room?
hi, it was just a pin prick and only very tiny filtered light so it didn't brighten the room up or anything. It was a long the edge where two wall ply boards meet and it wasn't nailed down tight.


Well-Known Member
From those pics, it definitely looks hermi to me. Too bad, but let it grow anyway. Just pick off the ball sacks as you find them. You may still get a descent yield and the smoke should be OK as well. Or, keep the plant growing and take the seeds, they should be feminized seeds (from what I've read anyway). From the pics, I believe you have a nute problem too. May be a zinc deficiency, but I'm not that up on nute problems to be positive, but that could be the cause of stress that can turn a plant into a heshe. Look into FAQ's for the plant problem section and click on the "plant abuse chart and photos". Scroll down to find the picture that looks like your yellowing leaves and read about it. I don't think it will help "fix" this plant, but you'll know for next grow to be more aware of the problems that can hamper your success rate with normal female plants. Grow on brother in hemtitude:weed:mmmmmmmm....Ganja. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yes i agree about you having a zinc deficiency.
as for hermie related info, check this out:
its advertised kinda strangely- it says alot about "having male problems??" like a friggin' Cosmopolitan magazine.. but i've BEEN TOLD that it is supposed to "re-feminize", if you will, plants that have gone hermie, mostly due to stress related reasons. common sense tells me that if its genetic, this stuff may not work as well for fixing the problem, or may not work at all. I posted a thread asking about anybodys personal experiences with this product and have got no replies so far. BUT, i went out and bought it anyway, along with Dutch Master Penetrator, as i was also told that this must be applied first (via foliar spray), before applying the Reverse (also a foliar spray application). I sprayed my Hermies with the reverse yesterday. mine where onset (to hermie) by about 10 days straight of extremely high temps (AC broke). i'll report back and let you know if this stuff is worth a shit!


thanks for the ideas, I will get some zinc now and see if it improves them. I'm pretty sure there is no males with my plants, probably just a mix of light, nutes and stress.